9 acres of sea surveyed for sale news to Lands Dept.
News Five broke the story on Thursday night that nine acres of open sea a few miles from San Pedro Town has been surveyed for the Eiley family of San Pedro; Ellis, Ruby and Ellis John. The shallow area was surveyed on August eighth of last year by the Lands Department. As Tourism Minister and Belize Rural South Area Representative, Manuel Heredia and Chief Environmental Officer, Martin Alegria admitted, they only became aware that the three parcels in the Caribbean Sea had been surveyed when we reported it last night. When we tried reaching the Commissioner of Lands, Manuel Rodriguez, this week for comment he was unavailable. But we can report tonight that both Rodriguez and C.E.O., Beverly Castillo in the Ministry of Natural Resources did speak to us today. Both say that they too only became aware of the surveyed area after our story aired. According to the officials, investigations have begun and anyone found at fault will have a whole lot of answering to do.
Beverly Castillo, C.E.O., Min of Natural Resources/Environment
“We’re in the process of investigating. Based on the results of those investigations, we will decide whether we will issue a press release after we look at all the facts.”
Marion Ali
“But having read the story and the comments that the Area Rep as well as the official from the Environment has to say, can you tell us preliminarily what would be your approach to this?”
Beverly Castillo
“Certainly, we will have to look at the maps. We’ll have to determine what is in the sea. If we find anything that is irregular then we’ll move to take corrective action. This is just coming to light; I was amazed this morning when I heard of the story of the pegs being in the sea. I went on the internet, I saw those pictures that were displayed on your story and we are concerned—of course we are concerned—because we are committed to the principles of transparency and accountability, good stewardship and responsible management. I’m certain that whatever we do and procedures we put in place that is what we’re guided by.”
Meanwhile, Commissioner of Lands, Manuel Rodriguez says the National Lands Act is specific and they will engage the relevant parties concerned in their investigations.
Manuel Rodriguez, Lands Commissioner
“We can assure that the Survey and mapping section of the Department of Lands and Survey will be tasked—have been tasked—to fully investigate and report their findings back to myself, the C.E.O. and the honorable Minister of Natural Resources.”
Marion Ali
“This paper from your Lands Department actually was signed and dated August fiteenth of 2008. How could that have happened and you not know?”
Manuel Rodriguez
“Which paper are you talking about Marion?”
Marion Ali
“The paper having to do with the survey itself, the paper that has the signature of the officer who approved it, who conducted the survey; it was signed on August fifteenth 2008.”
Manuel Rodriguez
“At this moment we have requested the files and this afternoon we will be reviewing same and thereafter we’ll be able to have specific answers and comments for you all, noh.”
One man who will have a lot to explain is the Minister of Natural Resources, Gaspar Vega. After all, the ministry closed for months following the February seventh elections because as they said, they wanted to investigate wrong doings in the ministry… now this.