Women upset about police raid on home
There have been frequent reports of home invasions in the city by criminals, but in this case, a family says their house was busted by law enforcement officers. The Saint Martin’s De Porres family claims that this morning at least six police officers arrived at their home armed with a presumably legit warrant to search their premises located on Electric Avenue. According to Althea Neal, she gave way to the officers who said they were looking for guns and drugs. Having come up empty handed, Neal claims the officers proceeded to her daughter’s house in the same yard and used a machete to force the door open. Both Neal and Pamela Staine are irate about the incident.
Althea Neal, Claims Police Invaded Daughter’s Home
“I left dehn mek dehn search because dehn have wah job fi do. Dehn search, dehn search, dehn gone up deh, dehn search back so. Later on dehn come and dehn knock pan mi daughter door. I seh mi daughter noh deh home. He tek di machete and gone up deh and try shub it between di door. When ih shub it between di door, ih can’t open. Den ih tek di machete and start to chop fi di door open.”
Duane Moody
“What were they actually looking for?”
Althea Neal
“They said drugs and ammunition. I noh sell drugs and I no have no ammunition.”
Duane Moody
“Do any of your kids or relatives that live here known to have guns or anything like that that they might be looking for?”
Althea Neal
“Well, as far as, I know who deh eena ya no got no gun.”
Pamela Staine, Home Broken Into
“I reach home after seven and when I come home I feel bad because I see my door bruk open and thing so I feel bad same way.”
Duane Moody
“Was anything displaced in your home?”
Pamela Staine
“Nothing neva displaced cause as I get home I check and nothing neva missing.”
Duane Moody
“Did they rummage through anything?”
Pamela Staine
“No nothing neva dig up or nothing but di door just mi chop and can’t lock.”
Althea Neal
“Di way how dehn come dah your house, I no feel that the police have wah right fi tek wah machete and chop your door and you know your door lock.”
Neal and Staine have reported the incident to the Internal Affairs of the police department.