Cyclist shot three times in the old capital

ASP Bart Jones
Another night in the old capital and another Belize City resident has been shot. This latest act of violence occurred on the south side of the city, on a street behind the Salvation Army School. According to the acting police press officer, Bart Jones, the man was shot three times.
Bart Jones, Acting Police Press Officer
“Sometime after eleven police were called to an area on Glen Street where they saw one Cleo Robinson, thirty-five years, suffering from what appeared to be gunshot wounds to the back; three wounds to the different parts of his back. Initial investigations are indicating he was riding his bicycle on Glen Street when he was shot at and he received those injuries. He is presently he is listed in a critical condition at the Karl Heusner Memorial Hospital. Up to midday when I checked with the investigators and they had no suspects. The investigation continues.”
When we checked at the Karl Heusner Memorial Hospital, Cleo Robinson was in surgery.