Jackie Marshalleck back in the top position of Bar Assn.

Jacqueline Marshalleck
While BTL’s AGM last night attracted plenty of attention, it wasn’t the only meeting taking place. The Bar Association of also met for its annual general meeting. Both the Bar Association and Judiciary have recently been in the headlines more than usual because of the Bar’s wrangle with the Judiciary over delayed judgments. The judicial year started on a lighter note with the Attorney-General Wilfred “Sedi Elrington’’ apologizing for statements made about magistrates, to then publicly state last week in the House of Representatives that only three percent of all the lawyers are any good. But taking over from outgoing Bar President, Aldo Salazar, is Attorney Jacqueline Marshalleck, who served in the same capacity from 2007 to 2009. Elected as Vice-President was Naima Barrow-Badillo. The Secretary is Melissa Balderamos-Mahler while Edwin Flowers SC remains as Treasurer. Elected as members of the Bar Committee are: Michael Young SC, Eamon Courtenay SC and Darrel Bradley.