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Oct 14, 2009

Another home invasion, this time in Belize City

Story PictureIt is getting apparent that burglars are getting more abrasive and their new trend is to invade while the victims are still inside. In Tuesday’s newscast we reported on a home invasions in San Pedro and another in Hattieville where an elderly Canadian woman was also raped. Two African men living in Belize City were the next victims to experience the terrifying ordeal. Twenty-six year old Samuel Benguna and twenty-four year old Ismail Conteh, both of Nigeria, were at their apartment on the Northern Highway when they were surprised by three men with rags covering their faces. Police press officer Clement Palacio explained how the incident unfolded.

Clement Palacio, Police Press Officer
“According to reports to the police, these two African gentlemen were at home when they heard a knock on their door and they were accosted by three men who robbed them at gunpoint.”

Delahnie Bain
“What items were stolen?”

Clement Palacio
“Stolen from them were computer accessories and cell phones.”

Delahnie Bain
“I understand there was some cash as well.”

Clement Palacio
“A small amount of cash in both US and Belize currency.”

Delahnie Bain
“Have there been any suspects or anyone detained as yet for this incident?”

Clement Palacio
“There are no suspects yet but as police investigations continue into this matter. With the increasing number of Aggravated Burglary that we are witnessing is concerned and of course we want to make public notice that we will be delivering pamphlets shortly advising residents on measures to protect themselves. But we know that the ultimate protection is the neighbourhood watches and the community policing that the police department is trying to promote.”

The cash stolen from the men totaled four thousand, two hundred dollars.

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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