B.B.F. conducting tryouts for under twelve team
The Belize Basketball Federation is well underway in selecting a team of twelve to participate in the Central American Basketball Tournament hosted by neighbouring Guatemala. Over the past two weeks, the federation has been holding tryouts to select under-twelve male players to compete in the regional tournament in December. Belize has not participated in regional or international competition at this level in many years but the B.B.F. is hopeful. President of the Federation, Paul Thompson explains.
Paul Thompson, President, Belize Basketball Federation
“We put out an announcement, a press release to invite anyone from across the country and we have had mostly from Belize City; none or ten different primary schools. Players from nine or ten different primary schools have attended the tryouts and one from Burrell Boom, a couple from Orange Walk La Immaculada primary school. We are participating for a couple reasons; one being that we want to see where we stand against the competition in the region. So that’s one reason and the second reason is that we just want to start participating in these events.”
Brads Neal, Coach
“We have done great in the past with our senior national team and we believe that these kids are gonna be ready to perform to their optimum. That’s the best we can hope for and whatever results that we have then we’re gonna have to be able to live with because our kids—it’s about cultural experience, give them the opportunity to get a chance to travel, get a new experience and represent the country the best that they can.”
Jordan Usher, Athlete
“I just want perform and I just want my ma come. My ma just tell me fi mek I come perform and thing and fi mek I represent Belize.”
Duane Moody
“Why basketball?”
Jordan Usher
“Basketball dah my best sport. I married to basketball.”
The twelve qualifying athletes will be chosen by the end of this week. Competition will be tougher as Mexico is invited to compete in the Central American tournament.