P.U.C. to host regional regulatory meeting
P.U.C. has been in the news recently over its battle with B.T.L., but tonight it is in the news for another reason. And that is because from November fifth to seventh the Public Utilities Commission will host the sixth annual conference of the Organization of Caribbean Utility Regulators (OOCUR). Over a hundred utility experts are expected to participate in the three-day event, which is being held under the theme “Towards a Common Utility Regulatory Framework in the Caribbean.” According to a P.U.C. press release, the conference allows for regional and international experts, providers, and stakeholders to share information, learn from each others’ experiences, and network. Interested persons can register to attend at the P.U.C. offices on Gabourel Lane in Belize City or by sending an email to info at puc dot bz. OOCUR was formed in 2002 and is headquartered in Port of Span, Trinidad and Tobago. Belize became a member in 2003.