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Home » Trials » “Warrior” back in court on Attempted Murder charges
Sep 30, 2009

“Warrior” back in court on Attempted Murder charges

Story PictureHe has been on remand since yesterday for aggravated assault and today, eighteen year old Michael ‘Warrior’ Young was back in court and this time, for another incident where he was slapped with Attempted Murder, Dangerous Harm and Use of Deadly Means of Harm charges. Young is being accused of trying to kill Trevor Trapp in a shooting incident that occurred on Saturday, September twenty-sixth, at the corner of Kraal Road and Waight Street. Trapp said he was riding his bicycle when he was approached by a male person who fired a shot him. But it was not until Young came before the court on Tuesday that led police to link Young to the shooting. When Young appeared in court to answer to the charges, no plea was taken and he was returned to the Hattieville Prison until October twenty-ninth. On Tuesday, Young was charged with Aggravated Assault on Kareem Williams after an alleged gunplay on Supal Street. And that trial will start October thirtieth.

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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