New edition of Belizean Studies available at bookstores
For thirty years now Saint John’s College has been publishing the Journal of Belizean Studies which focuses on our history, culture and current social realities. The Belizean Studies Resource Center has now released its latest publication which deals with the issue of Governance. Co-Editor of the Journal, Nigel Encalada tells us more about this Special Issue.
Mr. Nigel Encalada, Co-Editor, Journal of Belizean Studies
“The journal has been I guess one of the corner stones of Saint John’s College since it has been published since 1973 the original intention was to develop a medium strictly speaking for academic research and research about Belize. So volume thirty no one marks the actual thirtieth year of publication of the journal. So we have a good history of research across the country”
“Less than a year ago we decided because we’re approaching thirty years of the journal we needed to do something that perhaps would be relevant to the current socio-economic, socio-political atmosphere. So we decided along with the editorial board on doing a journal, a particular publication on governance; thirty years on governance. It meshes well with all the discussions going on right now on indigenous rights and other things.”
Oneyda Flores
“Who are the principal collaborators, writers in this journal?”
Nigel Encalada
“In this particular issue we have a feature article from Mark Nowottny, he’s a foreign researcher who did some research last summer in Belize, No tyrancy, and Linger Understandings of a modern Belize democracy. In addition we have some of our country’s leading reformers and social activists Dylan Vernon, Godwin Hulse, Crucita Ken, Greg Cho’c.”
The articles offer perspectives on a number of Governance issues including Senate and Political Reform, Indigenous Land Rights, and Socio-Political Development.
Copies of this Special Issue can be purchased at the St. John’s College Bookstore, The Angelus Press, The Image Factory, The Book Center, James Brodies & Co. Ltd. and the Belize Archives and Records Service. Subscriptions to the Journal are also welcome.