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Feb 29, 2008

12 senators named by G.O.B., Opposition and social partners

Following nominations from the Government, the Opposition, churches, the unions and the business community, the list of the men and women who will make up the Senate is finally complete. On the advice of the Prime Minister, Doug Singh, Deborah McMillan, Juliet Thimbrel, Pulcheria Teul, Eddie Webster and Roosevelt Blades will represent the Government. Meanwhile, the Opposition has named Godfrey Smith, Dr. David Hoy and Magali Marin Young as its senators. The churches will be represented by Henry Gordon, Godwin Hulse was elected by the business sector and Paul Perriott will serve on behalf of the National Trade Union Congress and the Civil Society Steering Committee. The twelve new Senators will be officially sworn in before the inaugural meeting of the House of Representatives on March fourteenth. According to a press release issued today, the joint session of the House and Senate is scheduled to start at ten in the morning in an outdoor ceremony in front of the National Assembly and will be addressed by Governor General Sir Colville Young.

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