Police investigate execution style murder in San Pedro
It was the kind of killing that would hardly raise an eyebrow in Belize City, but when a body is found pumped full of lead on Ambergris Caye, it’s big news. Marion Ali visited the island today and found several people who heard shots, but none who actually witnessed the murder.
Marion Ali, Reporting
Residents of the Boca del Rio area of San Pedro were awakened early Tuesday morning to the sounds of multiple gunshots. Someone had entered a one-room apartment on Lagoon Street which was occupied by thirty-six year old Alvaro Galvez. The intruder then emptied a nine millimeter gun in him as he slept, then used Galvez’ padlock to lock the door, making it appear that he was out. Lucilo Guerrero was Galvez’ landlord and neighbour. He said he knew something was wrong as soon as he heard the shots ring out.
Lucilo Guerrero, Neighbour of Murder Victim
“I woke up four o’clock, when I heard … well, a little later than that, when I heard three shots like quick thing. I told my wife those shots came from right on my yard. So I got up and went and out my lights and went to peep on my boat because they stole my boat a year ago. So I went and I check my boat, my boat was right there. So I came out and I wanted to come out but my wife didn’t let me out. But after the gunshots, like one two three and you heard a boat gone.”
Roy Stumpf lives at the corner of the lane, about one hundred and fifty feet from Galvez’ room. He said he too heard the shots but thought nothing of it.
Roy Stumpf, Neighbour of Murder Victim
“It was bang, bang, bang, bang, real close together but because I’m a hunter I and I know it was not a large calibre weapon.”
“And then shortly after that I heard a motor boat take off fast. It was close, in the lagoon right behind our house I heard the motor boat go away fast. That was it. that was all I heard. And the neighbors, we talked to them in the morning.”
Marion Ali
“So when you heard the shots you didn’t get up and investigate?”
Roy Stumpf
“I didn’t even got out of bed. I heard the shots and heard the boat leave and went back to sleep.”
Marion Ali
“You never thought someone’s being murdered?”
Roy Stumpf
“No, no, I never—I didn’t know what it was, somebody shooting. I guess, I don’t know, I can’t explain it. I’m not scared here in San Pedro so it didn’t frighten me so I went back to sleep.”
A whole day passed after the gunshots rang out but when Galvez failed to show up at his worksite today, his boss, Mike Madrid Senior, took matters into his own hands and he made the gruesome discovery.
Mike Madrid Sr., Employer, Murder Victim
“He didn’t show up to work Monday, I mean Tuesday and then this morning he didn’t show up to work so this morning about seven-thirty I went up to knock on his door and nothing so I kick open the door and I found him lying face down on the floor with gunshot wounds to his back. I just saw like two gunshots to his back.”
Marion Ali
“Do you know if he was been having problems with anyone?”
Mike Madrid
“Well according to rumors on the street he had something concerning a hotel that he had on the island. And I don’t know what is the deal with this other person or they owed him money or something and that’s what the street talks, that’s what people are saying.”
Marion Ali
“He owned a hotel?”
Mike Madrid
“Of course and he was selling the hotel to these people and I guess they owe him money or something. That’s what I know. Apart from that I don’t think he had any other problems with anybody.”
Officer Commanding the San Pedro Police Detachment, Assistant Superintendent, Dennis Arnold, says while they are still piecing together the puzzle, they already have some leads.
A.S.P. Dennis Arnold, O.C., San Pedro
“Upon arriving at the scene we found fifteen expended shells and one slug from a nine millimeter pistol.”
Marion Ali
“Have you recovered the weapon?”
A.S.P. Dennis Arnold
“No not as yet. Police still are investigating.”
Marion Ali
“In visiting the area we picked up that residents heard a boat speeding away from the area shortly after the shots were fired.”
A.S.P. Dennis Arnold
“We get that same information and we are investigating that also, yes.”
Marion Ali
“Have you any leads, any suspects, anything concrete?”
A.S.P. Dennis Arnold
“Yes we have some leads and we are following them. We won’t leave any stone unturned. So presently we are after several persons who might assist us in this investigation.”
Meanwhile the once peaceful community is feeling the impact.
Roy Stumpf
“Now I don’t know what to think. I’m scared now. Our whole neighbourhood here is scared. We don’t know what to think. The comments that I hear from my neighbors are we’re gonna lock the door for sure now.”
Reporting for News Five, Marion Ali.
This latest murder is Belize’s ninth for 2008.