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Feb 12, 2008

Statistical Institute releases latest figures

In an election campaign dominated by sweeping generalisations, misleading suggestions and more than a few outright lies, there was not much room for verifiable statistics. But the voting is over and coincidentally the Statistical Institute of Belize has just released a new set of stats. The institute’s Arreini Palacio Morgan told us more.

Arreini Palacio Morgan, Marketing Officer, Statistical Institute
“The latest production is named 2007, it has statistics up to 2006.”

Janelle Chanona
“This is traditionally used as a research/student tool, correct?”

Arreini Palacio Morgan
“Right, it’s a research tool for businesses, organisations, students, researchers used it for planning and that sort of thing.”

Janelle Chanona
“What stands out in this production?”

Arreini Palacio Morgan
“I’m not sure if anything stands out. It’s a compilation of various…there’s climate, there’s demography, social statistics, there’s population. There are several trends, there’s crime, there’s several, several trends that you could take a look at and take a look and see what’s significant to you.”

Janelle Chanona
“Talking about crime, I know that’s a hot topic right now. Are we getting more violent as a society according to these stats?”

Arreini Palacio Morgan
“You’d have to look at the statistics and make your own analysis from what you see. That’s all I could say.”

A digital version of the report sells for forty dollars while printed copies cost fifty. For more information, visit the website

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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