Teenager to face trial …
Meanwhile, a teenager who tried to cop a plea on a lesser charge will go to trial for his crime. In November 2006, seventeen year old Norman Mckenzie was accused of attempted murder after he shot his brother-in-law in the back. He pleaded guilty to Use of Deadly Means of Harm on Monday but Mckenzie threw a spanner in the works today when he appeared before Justice Troadio Gonzalez for sentencing. That’s because before Gonzalez could hand down his decision, McKenzie told the court that he shot Simon Castillo in self-defense because Castillo had lashed him with a machete that same day. The victim of course disputed that account and self defense has its own legal meaning so Gonzalez had no choice but to suspend sentencing and set the case for trial. Mckenzie was undefended today and Crown Counsel Douglas Carr was prosecuting. The case makes two trials Mckenzie will face this year as he and another man, Jason Gentle, are currently on remand, accused of the murder of sixteen year old Faron Felix.