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Dec 20, 2007

P.M. defends referendum/land sales

Story PictureThe Government’s announcement that it would attempt to hold a referendum on an elected Senate caught many observers off guard. Today Prime Minister Said Musa defended his party’s decision.

Prime Minister Said Musa
“Well first of all, that matter is still under consideration as to the timing of the referendum, but I certainly feel that the matter should be held as soon as possible so that we know exactly how the Belizean people feel. What I find amazing is that people are resisting, I am talking about the Opposition now, giving that decision-making power to the Belizean electorate. Why shouldn’t they decide on a very fundamental and national importance such as this? And our party feels very strongly, our government feels very strongly that the Belizean people should decide whether or not we will have an elected Senate that is the whole objective that is the point of the resolution?”

Janelle Chanona
“And why bring it now though, to the criticism of this being a distraction before elections?”

Prime Minister Said Musa
“Well it’s not that we are bringing it now. It is, in fact, from June we’ve been talking about this, but we had the consultation, we’ve debated it in the party and we believe that now is the time to get it done. In other words, I feel that as we go into the New Year over the next term it’s very important that we signal to our people that if they so support it, we will be having an elected Senate.”

Janelle Chanona
“Do you defend the decision to give out large tracts of land to known P.U.P. supporters a la the Papi Penas etc?”

Prime Minister Said Musa
“I support the decision to provide land to our people. Obviously we can get into a question about quantity and purchase price and all that, but certainly the policy of my government is to make land available to the Belizean people, especially those in need; who need a house lot, or who need a piece of farm land, because that is the way. Land is a very valuable resource and we do have to step up the distribution of land as we have been doing. And as we heard yesterday in the House, close to sixty thousand or more lots and parcels of land have been distributed by this Government.”

That sixty-thousand figure could not be verified, although it has been suggested that what the Prime Minister is referring to is the titles given out under the new land registration system. In that ongoing effort, existing land ownership is merely confirmed with a new simplified title document and unique parcel number.

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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