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Nov 9, 2007

Salvation Army launches Kettle Appeal

Story PictureChristmas may be eight weeks away, but as any fundraiser will tell you, there’s no harm in an early start.

Marion Ali, Reporting
The sight and sounds of the Salvation Army has become synonymous with the Christmas season. Today the bells of the Kettle Appeal officially started ringing on Albert Street. The proceeds of this year’s collection will support the Salvation Army’s traditional programme for the less fortunate.

Maj. Errol Robateau, Regional Commander, Salvation Army Church
“We have to have at least seven weeks of kettling or else we don’t raise the amount of money that we need.”

Commander of the Salvation Army Church, Major Errol Robateau, says this year the church has set its target at thirty thousand dollars.

Major Errol Robateau
“We buy food stuff. Last year we used a caterer for the dinner, so we have that. The dinner costs approximately six to seven dollars per meal. We buy some toys, but we try to raise as much toys with our toy drive as possible and we also do the food parcels for the elderly. These are the things we do at Christmastime. Throughout the year we continue mainly with our food programme.”

But while the contributions from year to year show a slight increase, Major Robateau has noticed a change in the way people contribute to the cause.

Major Errol Robateau
“Percentage-wise, the poor give more than the rich. I think that the business places and the “haves,” those who God has really blessed, could do better. They could do better, but bearing in mind too is that many of them are giving, but they have so many people to give that they really have to share it around. So for those people we appreciate what they have done, but yes there are those who really could give more.”

Rene Villanueva Sr., Guest Speaker, Annual Kettle Appeal
“There was this gentleman who gave and gave and gave and the more he gave, the more he received. And he was asked if you are giving so much and receiving so much, what’s the secret behind it? He says “Listen, while I’m shovelling it out God is also shovelling it in,” and he says, “God’s shovel is a bigger shovel than mine.”
And if setting example plays any role, then Winfield Vernon and Romel Perez did just that, being among the very first to give to the cause.

Winfield Vernon, made the first donation
“I give every year. I like help the poor people cause people very poor in Belize, especially children. Children who get the food, they enjoy the food and the Christmas toys. They enjoy the Christmas toys, the Christmas tidings, right and food too, and give God the glory. Yes, you have to give God the glory first man. God is very good to me.”

Romel Perez, Among First to Donate
“For me as a Christian and you know, help out each other, we as Christian we just help out one another for the Christmas and give to the poor children who don’t have.”

Marion Ali
“You noh really have to be rich and famous fi give.”

Romel Perez
“No yoh no really have to be.”

One lady who contributes to the cause in a different kind of way is Church member Girldine Usher.

Girldine Usher
“I am out here from nine until twelve [midday] every working day. I don’t work on Saturday, I don’t come out on Saturday. “

Marion Ali
“You’ve been doing this for years?”

Girldine Usher
“Yeah, over seven years now.”

Marion Ali
“And it’s a gratifying gesture?”

Girldine Usher
“Yeah, because it is for the love of God. We work for the love of God to do things for other people. I read my Bible and I see what the love of God is and I get blessing for this.”

Reporting for News Five, I am Marion Ali.

The Salvation Army kettles are located outside Brodies downtown and on the Northern Highway, Romac’s Plaza, Save-U Supermarket, Malic’s Poultry on East Collet Canal, the Angelus Press Ltd., Courts Belize on the Northern Highway, and occasionally at the Tourism Village.

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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