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Sep 15, 2011

More Tomorrow villagers want government intervention

Jimmy Robinson

The second concern is over the aerial spraying of pesticides in More Tomorrow, which Robinson says had been banned in the past because of health and environmental problems. But the harmful pesticides are again being used and the village councilor claims it is causing illness amongst the children.

Jimmy Robinson, More Tomorrow Village Councilor

“This is extremely sensitive. Yes, we know that the Mennonites have contributed a lot to Belize as far as agriculture is concerned and poultry in this country. But we know that at the same time they have not been too conservative in terms of the environment. When the allegation came forth of aerial spraying of pesticides in the area, it was a bombshell.  They are using chemicals—we don’t know what type of chemicals—but it is causing damage to the children in terms of diarrhea  and other skin rash. It has damaged a lot of the farmers crop staple—we cultivate like cassava, plantain, banana and at this point in time, the entire environment because we have reserves in that area especially for different types of animals and so forth. So we are taking a lot of precaution and we are extremely worried at this point in time.”

Delahnie Bain

“And you’re certain that this is being cause by those pesticides?”

Jimmy Robinson

“Definitely, because one of the former village council members was privy to the information before and the situation was brought to the ministry. I’m not certain if it was the Ministry of Agriculture, but one of the ministries and we were told that that practice was going to be discontinued. Nevertheless, they are doing it again and at this point in time we’re extremely worried, therefore, we want it to stop.”

The More Tomorrow Village Council is now calling for a meeting with either the Prime Minister or the Minister of Natural Resources and Robinson says they will not give up until both matters have been resolved.

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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