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Home » Miscellaneous » Fowl typhoid in Orange Walk chickens
Sep 15, 2011

Fowl typhoid in Orange Walk chickens

One of the country’s favorite animals for the fryer is under threat by a deadly disease. Chickens suspected of having Fowl Typhoid are being destroyed to stop the spread of the bird disease, which also affects turkeys. The Belize Agricultural Health Authority (BAHA) has received confirmation from the United States Department of Agriculture that poultry specimens have tested positive for Fowl Typhoid in the Orange Walk District. Although vaccines are available to control the disease, they will not be used. The government release says “Bio security has been stepped up at all levels throughout the area where the outbreak occurred, movement controls are in place, farmers are being educated about the disease and BAHA is maintaining an early warning and response system. Inspection of poultry farms before slaughter of birds along with heightened inspection and strict sanitation measures at all poultry establishments are also in place.” Fowl Typhoid was locally detected in 1986 during an outbreak that affected both commercial and backyard fowl.  The impact is not anticipated to reach the level it did over twenty years ago.

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