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Sep 19, 2011

Students pass with grades 1 to 3 in 80% of CSEC subjects

Juan Vargas

The results are in for the Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate (CSEC) and Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examinations (CAPE). But the names of the top scorers aren’t being released just yet since the Caribbean Examinations Council allows for a query period, which gives students a chance to inquire about any discrepancies in their grades. There is good news, however, in the preliminary report since students passed with grades one to three in eighty percent of CSEC subjects. CXC Local Registrar, Juan Vargas, gave us more details of the grades today.

Juan Vargas, CXC Local Registrar

“When we look at the figures, we note—especially if we want to look at the subjects that attract more entries, by this I mean English A, English B and Mathematics—we see that for English A, we had a slight decrease in the percentage of students who received grades one to three, which are acceptable grades at the CSEC level. The decrease here was a point four percent decrease. In relation to English B, we note that we have a decrease of six point five percent. Last year, 2010, we had seventy-four point eight and this year we had sixty-eight point three. Mathematics also we have a decrease and normally mathematics, we note that the grades oscillate but it’s a bit above the fifty percent mark and this year we not that we have a decrease of six point six percent. That is from fifty-eight point seven percent to fifty-one point nine percent. If we look at the overall candidate entries, if we compare the entries from last year to this year, we note that we have a four point five percent increase. That is from two thousand, six hundred sixty-three candidate entries to two thousand, seven hundred and eighty-four this year. Subject entries again show an increase of five point eight percent, which last year we had seventeen thousand, eight-sixty-eight and this year we had eighteen thousand nine hundred and seven.”

There were also notable increases in grades for subjects including biology, office administration, agriculture science and economics.

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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