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Oct 19, 2007

U.S. donates to Belize’s anti-trafficking efforts

Story PictureBelize’s anti-trafficking in persons efforts received a major financial boost this week courtesy of the United States Government. On Thursday, Minister of Human Development Sylvia Flores accepted a cheque valued at eighty thousand dollars from U.S. Ambassador to Belize, Robert Dieter. According to Dieter, the money is the first half of a total donation of a hundred and sixty thousand dollars to support a three year programme that targets human trafficking.

Robert Dieter, U.S. Ambassador to Belize
“The 2007 annual Trafficking in Persons Report, prepared by the U.S. Government, identified Belize as a source, transient and destination country for trafficking in persons and recognises that although Belize has not yet fully complied with all the standards, it is making significant efforts to do so and to combat trafficking. When the U.S. assesses foreign government efforts and where we might be able to assist, we highlight the three Ps: prosecution, protection, and prevention. This project funds training for the judiciary to support the prosecution of traffickers, and to bolster victim/witness assistance and the project will provide money to refurbish a trafficking shelter to help protect victims and witnesses.”

Included in the initiative is a public awareness campaign which will be launched on radio stations countrywide and through a series of community workshops. The U.S. Government estimates that every year approximately eight hundred thousand people are trafficked across international borders. Of that number, eighty percent are female and more than half are minors.

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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