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Oct 9, 2007

… While cops stick to their story

Story PictureActing police press officer, Assistant Superintendent Bart Jones was present to listen to the complaint and offered the police version.

Asst. Supt. Bart Jones, Ag. Police Press Officer
“Sometime around four-thirty or thereabouts yesterday evening a police mobile was on patrol on the East Canal turning into Orange Street when a citizen informed them that there was a female and a male person of Hispanic descent who were engaged in a fight and they indicated who that person was. At the time the police saw the male moving towards the female who was already walking down Orange Street. They intercepted that person and right away that person resisted. He was placed inside the police vehicle after which he ran out through the other door and was apprehended by Assistant Superintendent Grinage, who pinned him down to the ground and he was placed back in the vehicle and taken to the Queen Street Police Station. According to the officers, he appeared to be under the influence of alcohol or some kind of drugs and was continuously fighting with them in the vehicle while they were going to the police station and as a result they had to subdue him and he was taken into custody and a later, sometime about six o’clock he was taken to the medical officer where his injuries were certified as harm.”

“Why I’m here is that the directive of the Acting Commissioner of Police Maureen Leslie directs me to inform you in fact the police will be looking at this allegation and will be investigating it by the Internal Affairs Division.”

Ramirez is charged with Disorderly Conduct, Resisting Arrest, and Assaulting a Police Officer. However, Jones could not provide the officer’s name or the nature of the assault.

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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