Will Belizeans learn the right lesson from Dean?
As the residents of the north put their lives and property back together over the next few weeks, the danger for the rest of us is that Hurricane Dean may teach us the wrong lesson. That, according to Ramon Frutos, could be a fatal mistake.
Ramon Frutos, Acting Chief Met. Officer
“The story as we were indicating was to be prepared since the beginning of the hurricane season and usually when we going into the hurricane season that’s our message, be prepared. It doesn’t matter if it’s a very active season or an inactive season, it takes only one storm like a Dean to cause a lot of damage and I believe that the Belizean public is already sensitised with what impact a hurricane like Dean could cause on our country so they did respond.”
“Our peaks, the peak season is in September and October for our part of the world and indeed that is the case, so the message here then is that we are still not out of the woods as yet. We still have the peak period of the hurricane season 2007 to go through and so we can safely say that we have two months more or less, and a week, more or less, to continue to be vigilant and prepare for another event like a Dean moving through the north-western Caribbean and impacting our region severely.”
And next time, in case we’re not lucky, we better be prepared.