Senator: Time for P.M. to resign
Meanwhile, as both the Opposition and Government plot strategy, more and more observers are looking at where this all might be headed. In the wake of the rebellion in Cabinet, one scenario has Prime Minister Said Musa resigning, but his party staying in power for another ten months. Can it happen? Senator Godwin Hulse says…
Senator Godwin Hulse, Political Analyst
“Absolutely. That is what happened with John Major and Margaret Thatcher you’ll remember, in England. When she came back after the poll tax issue she lost and John Major became Prime Minister and there was no election because that party still controlled the majority of the members in the House and John Major was elected the leader of that party in the House and then the new Prime Minister.”
Stewart Krohn
“Let me ask you opinion now, quite apart from being a constitutional expert. As someone who is a keen observer of the political scene, where do you see this crisis ending?”
Senator Godwin Hulse, Political Analyst
“It is going to bring down the government I fear—not fear, but it is going to bring down the government. I don’t see how the Prime Minister could rightly sustain this onslaught. The proper thing to do would be to go to the Governor General and say this is chaos, I am losing my ministers, the public opinion is absolutely against me, call new elections.”