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May 8, 2007

Protester stages hunger strike at Social Security

Story PictureBelizeans have never really had much of a penchant for long term strikes or other acts of self-sacrifice. Today, however, one disgruntled resident of Belize City vowed to stage his own personal protest for as long as it takes to set matters right.

Charles Good, On Hunger Strike
“But this will take some time for our people to realise that sometimes you have got to put your neck on the block not only for yourself but for others. Everybody talking about oh mi children noh di get no education, but you have to make sacrifices.”

Jacqueline Godwin, Reporting
And the sacrifice sixty year old Charles Good decided to make is to go on a hunger strike. Why?

Charles Good
“It is my impression and I am certain that my Social Security deposits—in fact in other words short and brief, I am being robbed of my fund.”

According to Good, Social Security has been giving him a monthly payment of three hundred dollars based on the four hundred and thirty-one contributions they say he has made during his years of employment. But Good says he has made far more payments and as such he should receive at least an additional five hundred dollars each month.

Charles Good
“In the first instance I was told at the counter that I had a hundred and fifty contributions. When I went inside, it increased to three hundred and sixty, after a little more tackling it went to four thirty-one. And my calculation is that it should be somewhere around six hundred and four to six hundred and eight, but I satisfied with six hundred and four contributions.”

“Now I am receiving seventy-seven dollars and thirty-six cents per week, payable at the end of each month, so I am receiving some three hundred and nine dollars and cents on a monthly basis.”

Since Good placed himself in front of the Social Security building on Princess Margaret Drive around six this morning, he has been periodically visited by one of the company’s representatives, who told News Five that she could not comment on the matter but that the media would be informed via a press release as to what the S.S.B. is doing to address the issue.

Charles Good
“I want to sit down, perhaps with someone—“

Jacqueline Godwin
“But have they extended that invitation to you, have they invited you to come inside and talk with them?”

Charles Good
“She has invited me inside.”

According to Good, Social Security has informed him that certain contributions between 1982 to 1984 and 1993 to 1998 were not paid, although he claims his place of employment did make the necessary salary deductions.

Charles Good
“So that should not be my problem. But why didn’t they bring this up from a long time? … And these people now expect you—they will tell you, you have five contribution and you fi seh yes master, thank you master. No, and I cannot take this. I have served my country, you know heart, soul, I will not say the rest.”

What is at great risk is Good’s health that has been affected by diabetes and a heart condition, but he says he has no intention to back down.

Jacqueline Godwin
“Your mouth looks pretty dry right now Charlie, have you been drinking liquids, water?”

Charles Good
“No, well I took my medication recently. I have some candies because it was all the way up to a hundred and seventy-nine and normally I keep it to a hundred and fifty.”

Two persons who are supporting Good in his action are his wife and son who say although they are concerned about his health, they believe in the cause.

Hirian Good, Wife
“Well I am really worried because I know when the sugar go up or when it go down, he collapse and that dah when the heart start to give ah trouble and that dah when he start to ketch heart attack, then the pressure go up, everything and then he would collapse.”

“But I am concerned too because he di get three hundred from Social Security and he have to buy strips every two weeks and the strips, for every fifty he get fi test his sugar, dah one hundred and twenty-five dollars at [Medical] Associates. Sometimes he could get it dah Red Cross, and that dah sometime, at eight dollars. And two times for the month he have to buy that, and with here hundred dollars. And then we have three pickney weh di start college September right yah.”

Jacqueline Godwin
“How do you feel about your dad going on this hunger strike?”

Matthew Good, Son
“I noh know, you have to sacrifice fi stand up fi weh you want. My father always says, “People can save the people.”

Charles Good
“And I would like to invite all those people out there who are going through the similar problems that I am going through and those who are being short-changed to come out here and make a stand.”

We are sure how long Good will be able to continue on his hunger strike, but this former captain of the Belize Defence Force is counting on his military training to get him through the ordeal.

Late this evening, Charles Good called our newsroom to inform us that following our visit, he was invited into the Social Security office where he was informed that the matter will be solved sometime tomorrow following a meeting by all officials concerned. Based on this latest information, Good says he has decided to suspend his hunger strike pending the outcome of Wednesday’s meeting.

For their part, Social Security issued a press release this evening stating that the primary concern expressed by Good had to do with the total value of the invalidity pension being paid to him. According to S.S.B., they cannot arbitrarily determine the value of this benefit payment, which by law is calculated on the total number of contributions that have been officially paid, taking into account the three best years. The release says since Good is questioning the value of documented contributions, the board will to conduct an in depth investigation to either substantiate or dispel the allegations.

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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