Chamber of Commerce says Telemedia Nationalization alarming
In the private sector, one of the first to weigh in is the Belize Chamber of Commerce and Industry. In a stern release issued late Monday evening, the B.C.C.I. said it viewed with concern the proposed Belize Telecommunication (Amendment) Act 2009 and the haste with which it was dealt. The Chamber says “the nationalization of our major telecommunication provider or any other company sets an alarming precedent, wherein the business community at home and abroad may be more discriminatory when considering future investments in our country.” The B.C.C.I. further stressed that an action of this magnitude by the government is likely to have wide-ranging repercussions on current and future investments in the economy. When News Five spoke with President of the B.C.C.I., Amparo Masson, she told us that tentatively on Thursday after consulting with members and stakeholders, the B.C.C.I. will make a more detailed comment on the ramifications, locally and internationally, with respect to the takeover the utility company.