City residents get pop quiz in local knowledge
Earlier this week primary school students from across the country busted their brains in the Belize Tourism Board’s annual Social Studies Quiz. Questions put to the young competitors covered various topics including the country’s geography, history, culture, and politics. The event got us thinking: how many adults know the answers to those same questions? To find out, this morning News Five’s Kendra Griffith hit the streets to surprise some unprepared residents with a pop quiz on local knowledge.
Kendra Griffith
“What do the initials D.F.C. stand for?”
Belizean #1
“I noh know that neither. … Department what?”
Kendra Griffith
“What is the name of the oldest cathedral in Central America?”
Belizean #2
“St. John’s Cathedral?”
Kendra Griffith
“What is the name of the gum extracted from the Sapodilla tree That is used to make chewing gum?”
Belizean #3
“Ahm … I remember yu noh, but like it noh di come to me, right.”
Belizean #4
“Hmm … I’m not too sure.”
Belizean #3
“Dah Wrigley’s?”
Kendra Griffith
“No, that’s a brand of chewing gum. Dah almost like a Belizean term.”
Belizean #4
Kendra Griffith
“There you go.”
“What Belizean people would call chewing gum? We noh say chewing gum.”
Belizean #3
“We seh chicle.”
Kendra Griffith
“What is the name of the sugar refinery just outside of Orange Walk?”
Belizean #5
(Shakes head) “I noh know that neither.”
Kendra Griffith
“When someone is illiterate, what can’t they do?”
Belizean #6
“They could go to an institution and get help.”
Kendra Griffith
“Weh kinda help they need?”
Belizean #6
“They need to go back to school and start to learn from scratch.”
Kendra Griffith
“What they need fi learn?”
Belizean #6
“They have to learn to read and write, first thing.”
Kendra Griffith
“What do the initials D.F.C. stand for?”
Belizean #7
“Can I be honest? Devil Financing Company.”
Kendra Griffith
“Ok, now what does it really stand for?”
Belizean #7
“Development Finance Corporation.” (Laughs)
Kendra Griffith
“What is the name of the sugar refinery just outside of Orange Walk?”
Belizean #8
“Dah the one, the Tower Hill Factory.”
Kendra Griffith
“Yes, thank you.”
“If someone is illiterate, what does it mean?”
Belizean #9
“It means that they can’t read and write?”
Kendra Griffith
“There you go.”
“Who wrote the words of the national anthem?”
Belizean #7
“Ahm… I know this.”
Kendra Griffith
“Want me to give you a hint?”
Belizean #7
“Yeah, gimme a hint.”
Kendra Griffith
Belizean #7
“Samuel Haynes.”
Kendra Griffith
“There you go”
“Morcilla, a Mestizo delicacy, is a sausage made mostly of what?”
Belizean #10
“It is made mostly of the pig blood. It is made out of pig blood. Then it goes through a process of—they tie the end of the guts and then they season it all up and then they put it in the guts and then they boil it until it’s cooked to perfection. And Belizeans love it.”