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Aug 18, 2009

Ladyville bus drivers argue with machetes

Story PictureAnd there is always heavy competition among bus drivers and the ride can be dangerous to passengers. Things got out of hand when a dispute between two drivers on the Ladyville route took a violent turn. The drivers reportedly threatened each other with machetes as travelers watched. According to Inspector Calbert Flowers, Officer in Charge of Ladyville Police, the drivers put the passengers at risk on a daily basis when they speed on the highways racing against each other.

Inspector Calbert Flowers, O.C., Ladyville
“We have received a couple of reports; one driver making a report against another that machete has been involved, they had pulled machete at one another. We know that this bus thing is very competitive right now. We are working very closely along with the people from Transport Department. From time to time we put up check points to monitor these buses especially in the morning time and in the evening. Our officers patrol in the area and they monitor these buses. We have received complaints from several passengers on these buses that the drivers are racing, they are fighting each other on the road and to prevent injuries or even death, we are out there trying to do our best. In the past one of these bus companies has been suspended and I believe you are aware of that. One of them had been suspended because of the same incident. So we are trying—the Transport Department they are trying as well but it’s something that is very difficult. So we’d like to urge the passengers on these buses to do their part and to play a role and report these matters.”

The two drivers, who are employed with Flores and Skies companies, have both indicated that neither of them wants court action against the other.

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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