P.M. reports on Cabinet retreat
Prime Minister Said Musa has made a public statement following the six day retreat at Caye Chapel attended by Cabinet and invited guests. According to Musa, the ministers frankly confronted their differences, both real and perceived, and …
Said Musa, Prime Minister
?The ministers achieved consensus that the principle of Cabinet responsibility was the mechanism for dealing with policy and settled the matter that all issues potentially giving rise to policy differences would first be fully disclosed, debated and resolved around the Cabinet table.?
The group then did the vision thing, looking forward twenty years and vowing to produce a holistic framework for development with input from around the nation. Cabinet also reviewed the completion of the P.U.P. manifesto promises, the budget process and political reform. In addition, they were updated on efforts to deal with Belize’s crushing debt.
Said Musa, Prime Minister
?The first round of consultations with bondholders has been largely completed with the support of our international financial and legal advisors. It is expected that we will enter the final stage of the exercise shortly with the aim of ensuring long-term sustainability of Belize?s public sector debt.?
The Prime Minister thanked all those responsible for making the retreat possible, in particular Tony Quinn. Quinn is the controversial Irish motivational speaker who has built an international financial empire around his high priced seminars. As to who paid for the six days at Caye Chapel and how much, the P.M. did not say.