Independence Day ceremonies move back to Bz. City
This year the official Independence Day ceremonies return to the Memorial Park in Belize City. According to Celebrations Committee public relations officer Daedra Haylock, the occasion marking Belize’s twenty-fifth birthday will see the People’s United Party and United Democratic Party displaying a spirit of unity.
Daedra Haylock, Public Relations Officer, September Celebrations Committee
?We are happy that both the government and the United Democratic Party will be participating in the parade this year. We saw that for the tenth, and I think that it was a welcomed addition and a welcomed change and putting it back to what people expect it to be. So we want people to come out and attend the official ceremonies, participate in the official parade.?
?After that we are making another return to what was tradition and putting the bram back on Albert and Regent Streets. Our security forces have joined support with us and are providing the necessary security for downtown, so that everybody can have a safe festivity.?
?Also we want the people to know that we will be having two fireworks this year. We had international private sector donation and local donations and we will be having a firework at nine o? clock and that?s primarily for those who do not want their children to be out too late at night to have the benefit of the children seeing the fireworks, and that is the highlight for children. We are also having the midnight fireworks, which is tradition for Belize and to bring in our twenty-first celebrations and our twenty-fifth anniversary this year.?
The official ceremony for on the twenty-first day gets underway at nine in the morning at the Memorial Park. A number of visiting dignitaries will be attending the event that will include addresses from both Prime Minister Said Musa and Leader of the Opposition Dean Barrow.