6 months later, shooting victim succumbs
Gregory Jones was shot in December 2012 while he was at an event at the B.T.L. Park on Princess Margaret Drive. The youth was shot while partying with his girlfriend at the public event. He never recovered and his condition worsened when he became afflicted with bedsores at the K.H.M.H. A fundraising effort to pay for his hospital expenses were planned for Saturday morning. But unfortunately, the family found out today that the planned barbecue will now be used to pay for his funeral expenses.
Doreen Jones, Aunt of Gregory Jones
“My nephew is Gregory Jones; he got shot the fifteenth of December at B.T.L. park while socializing with his girlfriend and since then was paralyzed in Belize City. He was in the Belize City hospital and he got ill and then he died this afternoon.”
Jose Sanchez
“Initially I know you were planning a barbecue. We were supposed to talk about that tomorrow…”
Doreen Jones
“Yes we are still doing the barbecue sale on Saturday, but it will go towards funeral expenses.”
Jose Sanchez
“Had there been any update in the case? Did the police ever find out who shot him?”
Doreen Jones
“No they didn’t.”
Jose Sanchez
“What was it like at least sharing with him while he was here?”
Beverly Jones, Mother of Gregory Jones
“It was sad; he was in a lot of pain. And from since yesterday morning he was saying hug me, hug me—all day all night. And I hugged him until morning when I left to go home to get my daughter ready for school. I get a call from school saying come for her. She had a high fever and I know it is because of her brother. And I came back at the hospital where I saw him; his finger was purple. He was crying. He said mommy, I feel sick. Mommy I am sick. Ih say mommy hug me, mommy hug me; that’s all he was saying. And he asked for his girlfriend, Robyn. Ih ask where is Robyn. And by the time Robyn reach, his voice gone—ih couldn’t say nothing to her. So I told her to hug him. And she hugged him and hold his hand. That was the last of him.”
The barbecue will be held at Sikaffy’s on Albert Street on Saturday.