Development halted in Belize City reserve
The construction work that was occurring within Krooman Lagoon has stopped. The reserve is the only of its kind in Belize City and its importance as a catchment basin for runoff waters after rains has been established for years. Businessman Jitendra Chawla, the owner of Xtra House who is better known as Jack Charles, was given a lease for 9.3 acres of land within the reserve. Chawla cleared and filled a portion of the lagoon with clay and river stone. But on Tuesday July 28th Cabinet reversed that decision because the lease was issued in ignorance of the reserve status. Chawla paid seventy thousand dollars to the government and said he spent approximately half a million dollars in filling, so he continued the development. But as our cameras visited the area today, there were no workers in sight. The only movement in the area was the occasional wildlife. Chawla said he will soon speak to the media.