King?s Park corner is popular for collisions
It’s an intersection that’s seen more crushed metal than an eighties rock band, and today the crossroads of St. Thomas Street and Princess Margaret Drive saw yet another mishap. According to Emir Perez, driver of the black Isuzu Rodeo, he was heading down Princess Margaret Drive toward the Barracks when a Chevy S10, coming from St. Matthew Street ran straight into him. The pickup, belonging to Maya Island Air, was being driven by one of the airline’s employees, Jose Gill, who said he was given a break to pass and took the chance. And though the person at fault can only be determined by the authorities, the passengers involved and residents of the area say it doesn’t take a traffic expert to know that something has to be done about this calamitous intersection.
Stephanie, Passenger in Black Isuzu Rodeo
?We went to Belmopan this morning. On our way back from Belmopan we came here to take me to the airport and this is what happened. I can?t see anyway that the accident could have been prevented without a stoplight or a four way stop sign. By the time you realize somebody is running one stop sign, you?re already being hit. So the only way I see of preventing this is to put a four way stop sign or a stoplight or it will continue to happen.?
No one was seriously injured in the collision.