Ministry of Agriculture in Central Farm burglarized
The facilities of the Ministry of Agriculture in Central Farm were broken into over the past weekend. The carpentry section was properly locked and secured by the Head Carpenter on Saturday afternoon but on early on Sunday morning, he was informed that the shop had been broken into. In fact the two storerooms had been burglarized and an assortment of tools was missing. It is estimated that the value of the tools is in the range of three thousand three hundred dollars. While police investigate that burglary in the west, up north a thief was caught in the act. Last Thursday evening, Reymundo Chan who also goes by the name Porky, was caught with two chickens in hand. Porky was surprised by alert neighbours as he exited the chicken coop of Abraham Jimenez of San Narciso village. There was no point in denying he was stealing the chickens, so Porky, who is an unemployed from Louisville Village, was charged for theft.