361 Public officers awarded for dedicated service
Public officers often get a lot of flak but by all accounts, they are the nuts and bolts that keep government’s machine working. And today, they put off their first “open house” in attempt to prove that very fact to taxpayers.
Alyssa Noble, Reporting
Today Public Service Day was officially celebrated under the theme: ?Belize Public Service ? showcasing worth, valuing officers?.
The Belize City public officers we spoke with say they just want the public to know that they?re doing their best.
Pamela Dyer, Coordinating Officer, Dept. of Human Services
?It is challenging as an officer, because we are not just here to say, well do a job, we are also human and we are also parents. You know so it really is challenging when you have to deal with these issues. On the other hand I work with child placement, whereby that is foster care and adoption and that?s where the reward comes, that we could really find a good home for the child or children.?
Emelia Cayetano, Philatelic Supervisor, Belize Postal Service
?It is not all that easy, it is a sacrifice for us as public servants to meet the demand of the people of our country. And we have to be devoted by going to work, doing the things that they expect us, the service, provide the service that is expected of us. I am really happy that our department can join other departments in celebrating and recognizing the work that public servants have done in the country.?
Richard Madavo, Sr. Advisor for Public Sector Reform, CARICAD
?As we are all aware, good governance is a prerequisite for development within a country the world over. Without good governance and an efficient, competent, professional, responsive and highly dedicated public service, sustainable development can not be realized.?
During official ceremonies in Belmopan this morning, Richard Madavo of the Caribbean Centre for Development Administration was the official guest speaker in an award ceremony honouring three hundred and sixty one public officers for their dedicated years of service to the country.
Certificates and pins were conferred to the awardees by Governor General, Sir Colville Young and Prime Minister Said Musa.
Reporting for New Five, I am Alyssa Noble.