Methodists celebrate and reflect on 181st anniversary
The Wesley Methodist Church on Albert Street this week is the focal point of celebrations marking the one-hundred and eighty-first anniversary of Methodism in Belize as well as the fifty-fifth anniversary of the present church building. According to Ann-Marie Williams, coordinator of the Wesley Anniversary celebrations, this week is one of rejoicing and renewal.
Ann-Marie Williams, Coordinator, Wesley Anniversary Celebrations
?It?s a call for members to come back to the Church, not only to come back but to do things for the life of the Church to spread the word. The Anniversary celebration started out on Sunday with a Thanksgiving service. The Rt. Rev. Philip Wright, the Anglican Bishop of Belize was the guest speaker, a stirring message I might add that he brought. Monday, which was last night, we had a talent evening, whereby we had all the gold entries from the festival of arts from all the Methodist schools. All the children came out to participate and it was an interesting and fun filled evening had by all I must say. This evening is the Bible Quiz and tomorrow is what I consider to be the highlight of the week long anniversary celebrations, it?s known as a Love Feast. It?s a celebration that date backs to apostolic times and it?s practiced in the Methodist church as a part of the traditions.?
?On Thursday, is a gift day and again that day is a time when members come in and give their gift of money. The gift is tied in with the anniversary celebration of the building so this year, each member is asked to give fifty-five dollars. On Friday is the grand take away turkey supper, and Saturday we have a Sports Day at the Yarborough Green. It?s an opportunity to bring back unity, brother hood and sister hood as we celebrate the life of the Church and our involvement.?
All Belizeans are invited to join in the celebrations.