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May 16, 2006

Senior citizens organize to protect their rights

Story PictureThey have not yet established a chapter of the gray panthers, but Belize’s seniors are becoming better organised with regard to the enforcement of their rights. News Five’s Jacqueline Godwin reports.

Kamela Palma, Chairperson, National Council on Ageing
?The National Council on Ageing which is an advocacy body should not be speaking for older persons. We should be there to back them up and hear their voices and my dream is that out of today we will begin to hear the voices of older persons.?

In the past six years the National Council on Ageing has been working to raise the awareness and protect the rights of senior citizens may of whom are victimized often by there own families.

Kamela Palma
?We hear stories over and over at the National Council on Ageing about older persons whose property for example has been taken by a child who assumes that it is his or right to do so. Sell off the property you can come and live with me no questions asked.?

Paul McCord, Belmopan Resident
?There was an elderly man who got his arm broken a few days ago. He was taken to the hospital and he was told, an x?ray was taken and he was told by somebody there that we cannot do anything for you because you are too old.?

Gweneth Gillett, Belize City Resident
?I am very much concerned about some of the things that are happening. I am an older person myself and at this point in time I am still able to take care of myself. But what about those less fortunate who do not have anybody to stand up for them or speak out on behalf of them.?

Kamela Palma
?We hear over and over of older persons being abused, physically abused by children and their carers. There are the vulnerable ones who don?t know.?

N.A.C. most senior member eighty six year old, Justo Castillo appealed to his peers who are still very much active like himself to help support the welfare of all older persons.

Justo Castillo, Sr. Member, N.A.C.
?We are mostly thinking about the ones who are poorer, who have nobody to help them and nobody to comfort them. Those are the ones that are the real targets of our intentions.?

Today fifty key members representing various associations of older persons throughout the country attended the first of a two day training session. The participants for the first time will be examining the human rights and fundamental freedoms of older persons as outlined in the national policy.

Kamela Palma
?Looking at the question of human rights. What really does it mean, how does it affect me, what am I suppose to do when I feel that my rights are not being met.?

?Fortunately those inside might at least have an idea that they can stand up and they can fight. But they will take the message back that no, there are people in our communities that we must begin to educate, we must begin to have them understand.?

The N.A.C. which works with the Ministry of Human Development was established in 2000, to actively work with older persons. Today the council closely works with institutions like the Social Security Board and the Ministry of Health on behalf of the elderly. Chairperson Kamela Palma is pushing to make available identity cards for all older persons to allow easier access to crucial services like the National Health Insurance.

Kamela Palma
?As a result they cannot sign up for the N.H.I. because whoever can guarantee them must be ten years older. Well if you are eighty, you have never had an identity card and you need somebody ten years older than you to decide that you can have one, that person may have died.?

?Older persons should not pay for medication. You know the ordinary medication for high blood pressure, hypertension, diabetes and so on those are the things and this is happening.?

Seventy four year old Gweneth Gillett says she is committed to the effort because in her words it?s about time their voices are heard.

Gweneth Gillett
?I think the time has come when older persons should be seen and heard and play an active part in what is happening. And I am sure that after we leave this workshop we will be more than empowered to take an active stand and be heard about all the issues that are taking place in our society today.?

In Belize it is estimated that by the year 2025 the population of older persons that is men and women sixty years and older would have doubled.

Jacqueline Godwin for News Five.

The workshop is organised by the National Council on Ageing in conjunction with the Pan American Health Organization. It is facilitated by visiting consultants human rights lawyer Javier Vasquez and ageing specialist Enrique Vega.

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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