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Home » February, 1999 You are currently browsing entries posted in: February, 1999

Acting Chief Justice sworn in

Despite continuing controversy over the removal of Manuel Sosa as Chief Justice last week, today Justice Troadio Gonzalez was sworn in as Acting Chief Justice in Belmopan. The Governor General Sir Colville Young administered the oath of office at Belize House. Gonzalez has been a Supreme Court Judge since 1993. He studied law at the […]

Man caught molesting eleven year old

When your child is at school, you hope they are safe. But these days that’s not always the case. Police say there are men out there who are preying on little girls and offering them money for sexual favors. Yesterday police caught a man they say was about to assault a student from St. Luke’s […]

Sportscaster arrested for weapon possession

On this broadcast we don’t usually report routine police busts for unlicensed firearms or small quantities of drugs… but when the man busted is one of our own broadcasters the public figure doctrine comes into play… and the chips must fall where they may. News Five sports reporter James Adderley was today arrested for the […]

Swing Bridge to open Friday

While the closing of the Swing Bridge has been a big inconvenience to pedestrians and drivers alike, the Ministry of Works announced today that the bridge will finally be re-opened this Friday. However, in order to put on the final touches, the pedestrian portions of the bridge will be closed on Thursday and part of […]

Quintana Roo gets a new governor

Although the results are still not official, it appears the people of Quintana Roo, Mexico have a new Governor. The results so far in Sunday’s election indicate that Joaquin Ernesto Hendricks, candidate of the ruling P.R.I., will be victorious over his nearest rival, the P.R.D.’s Gaston Allegre. Hendricks, who is of Garifuna ancestry, was born […]

Belize and Mexico hold joint Health Week

Protecting children from polio is the focus of this year’s Bi-National Health Week being observed between Belize and Mexico. On Saturday Minister of Health Servulo Baeza opened the week at the Central Park in Corozal by noting that public health efforts cannot be carried out in isolation. He said cooperation between neighboring countries is critical […]

Health Dept. investigates illness in Cayo and Orange Walk

In government news, the Ministry of Health has embarked on a campaign to detect and control the spread of leptospirosis which is believed to have caused the death of one child in Benque Viejo del Carmen. According to the Ministry a resident of Orange Walk has also tested positive for this bacterial disease transmitted from […]

Man wins Lotto twice

As astonishing as winning the Lotto is normally, it’s even more surprising when someone wins twice. In April of 1995 Ines Sanchez won the Lotto when it was at twenty-five thousand dollars, and while he was grateful, he never expected to win again. Well, maybe he did hope a little, after all he kept buying […]

Soldiers hold charity swim

Members of the British Forces in Belize today donated three thousand dollars to the Ladyville Evangelical School. Andy Harvey of the British Forces Broadcasting Service told News Five members got help from local businesses but the main contribution was made by the soldiers at the airport camp. Eighteen soldiers participated in a charity swim on […]

Shriner’s Hospital helps Belizean children

While most of us take our child’s ability to run and play for granted, for some children this simple pleasure is marred by legs that don’t function the way they should or are malformed. A number of Belizean doctors are working with specialists from a renowned American hospital to help these children, either by sending […]