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Home » May, 2002 You are currently browsing entries posted in: May, 2002

Eldery woman critical at K.H.M.H.

In an update to a brutal attack on an elderly couple, tonight we report that while one of the victims has been discharged from the hospital, the other remains in a critical condition. Officials at the K.H.M.H. tell News 5 that fifty-eight year old Emilio Saragoza has been released from the facility, however, the woman […]

Jerry Matura medical fund opened

Last Thursday night, a traffic accident on the Northern Highway left one young man dead and another fighting for his life. Tonight the survivor, thirty-two year old Jerry Matura remains in critical condition in a Merida hospital, while family members here pray for a speedy recovery. But their hopes and prayers don’t translate into the […]

Prison inmates sit P.S.E.

Usually when we feature a prison story in this section of the news, it’s because a few prisoners are on the run or they’ve hurt each other in a brawl. But tonight, we are pleased to share the following story with you. It profiles the exemplary dedication of several inmates, which netted them a commendable […]

SPEAR celebrates 33 years

Today, a local non-governmental organisation marked its thirty-third anniversary of service in Belize. The Society for the Promotion of Education and Research, SPEAR, was officially established on May sixteenth, 1969. Since then, they have been active advocates on a wide range of issues in order to improve the quality of life and standard of living […]

B.W.S. promises improved water pressure

If you’ve had problems with your water pressure this week, it might make you feel better to know that you weren’t alone. Residents from several sections of the Northern Highway from Coral Groves to mile four have been complaining of a significant drop in water pressure, usually about the time they’re ready for a shower. […]

Fire simulation improves safety

This afternoon, traffic on Cesar Ridge Road was temporarily interrupted as members of the fire service, traffic department and employees of the Esso Depot participated in a fire simulation. Okay, so by now a simulation in Belize City is no big deal, but according to Esso, even though the company has never had an actual […]

Business community a no show at CET open day

Every year, students at the Centre for Employment Training eagerly welcome their peers onto the campus to show off the fruits of their labour. But according to the faculty, the one sector of society they really wanted to impress didn’t show up. Sheldon Samuels explains. Sheldon Samuels, English/Communications Teacher “Right after open day the students […]

Independence primary highlights ethnic groups

All of the open days we’ve covered over the past weeks showcase the talent and skills of our high school students. Today, Jacqueline Woods and cameraman George Tillett flew to the southern community of Independence where they saw that primary school students are just as industrious as their older siblings. Jacqueline Woods, Reporting This year, […]