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Home » November, 2008 You are currently browsing entries posted in: November, 2008

SUV with four women flips in highway accident

At news time three women are hospitalised at the K.H.M.H. following an accident at approximately eleven-thirty this morning between miles fifteen and sixteen in the area of Tropical Park on the Western highway. It involved two trucks, an eighteen wheeler and a ten wheeler, that were reportedly racing towards Belize City. The driver of an […]

Fire destroys apartment, 7 year old injured

And in another piece of bad news, a fire this morning, just before the accident, charred an apartment on the upper flat of a complex in the Fabers Road Extension Area. The apartment complex housed six families; most of them were away at the time. The incident occurred at about ten-fifteen this morning when the […]

Global recession threatens Belize’s US$565 million super bond

By now you would know that the world’s largest economies are in recession brought about by the financial collapse in the U.S. The latest is also one of the biggest, Japan, which announced it was in recession last Sunday and in the Caribbean the news is not good. Last week one of the biggest hotels, […]

Opposition Leader: U.D.P. has no plan, no heart, no hope

The split in the People’s United Party has been known since the leadership change in March of this year. And every now and then there is a reminder in the public domain that the opposition party is not about to close ranks, at least not anytime soon. The squabble just now has to do with […]

NTUC joins condemnation of firings

The recent spate of firings involving BAHA employees has caused uproar in the Public Service Union which represents close to a thousand active employees in the government service, with president Jacqueline Willoughby Sanchez, leading the charge. Yesterday, the People’s United Party joined in the condemnation of the firings and today the National Trade Union Congress […]

Flood update: Cayo residents get needed assistance

Meanwhile, in an update on the recent flooding, the National Emergency Management Organization has embarked on a project to replace household items to Cayo residents affected by the waters of the Mopan and Macal rivers. According to a press release on Monday, NEMO and the Cayo Disaster Emergency Committee distributed butane stoves, gas tanks, sofa […]

Cayo women train in agricultural production

Agriculture has been the backbone of the Belizean economy for decades … and now the San Antonio Women’s Group in the Cayo District is looking to get in on the action. This week, ten of its members took part in a two-day workshop organized by the Department of Agriculture. District Agricultural Coordinator, Oscar Salazar told […]

B.B.F. conducting tryouts for under twelve team

The Belize Basketball Federation is well underway in selecting a team of twelve to participate in the Central American Basketball Tournament hosted by neighbouring Guatemala. Over the past two weeks, the federation has been holding tryouts to select under-twelve male players to compete in the regional tournament in December. Belize has not participated in regional […]

Meet new Lotto winner: Edna Blanco

For the second time in less than a week, a woman has won the lotto. This time around the jackpot was for fifty thousand dollars and the lucky winner hailed not from the west, but the north: she is Edna Blanco of San Estevan Village in the Orange Walk. Blanco picked up her cheque this […]

Millions see Half-moon Caye on Today Show

Millions around the world have been viewing the Today Show’s Ends of the Earth series focusing on environmental areas susceptible to climate change. Today co-host Matt Lauer, in part two of a series on Belize, was reporting live from Half Moon Caye, about twenty minutes from the Blue Hole where he was on Monday. Here […]


Due to the Garifuna Settlement Day celebrations, the next newscast will be on Thursday, November twentieth.