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Home » November, 2008 You are currently browsing entries posted in: November, 2008

Entire village relocated due to contaminated waters

It is three weeks since the worst floodings in recent times hit the country. The waters came from the Peten area in Guatemala, moved to southern Belize and continued across the country. Many communities have been picking up the pieces following tropical depressing sixteen. And in the village of Douglas, located in the Orange Walk […]

NEMO minister reviews flood damages

The evacuation in Douglas is only one of the items on NEMO’s agenda. With the recent floods affecting four districts, the emergency organization will have its work cut out for quite some time. Today NEMO Minster Melvin Hulse told News Five that disaster response teams are out in full force, although their focus has shifted […]

Traffic delays at entrance of the city

And in Belize City, the Ministry of Works is working on raising sections of the Northern Highway where commuters have been experiencing long delays. For the past three days it has been taking, in some cases, at least two hours to journey through the degraded sections between mile four and the Haulover Bridge. The improvements […]

Body found in Carmelita farm

And in other news, Orange Walk police are investigating the circumstances in the death of an unidentified man whose body was found inside a house two miles south of Carmelita Village around eleven o’clock this morning. The body was discovered in a house on a farm in the Golden Pond area by hunters in the […]

No arrests in Dangriga and Belize City murders

And in an update to the murders in our newscast on Tuesday, police have not yet made any arrests in the stabbing deaths of thirty-one year old Liping Zhen and thirty-three year old Yue Lian Liu but they say they are following up on a few leads to solve the slayings in Dangriga. A police […]

Prices of fuel finally go down

There is some good news tonight that will bring a sigh of relief to consumers and that is because the price of fuel has finally dropped significantly in Belize. With the arrival of a new shipment, the prices dipped as of midnight last night at gas pumps in the city and around the country with […]

P.U.C. says it will issue order on B.E.L.

A utility and regulator that have not been getting along well of late are the Public Utilities Commission and Belize Electricity Limited. For months, the two have been engaged in a public battle over rates. In the latest round, the P.U.C. has put B.E.L. on notice that on Friday it will issue an order to […]

Caribbean Utility regulators conference gets underway

Meanwhile, this morning the Organization of Caribbean Utility Regulators opened its sixth annual conference at the Princess Hotel in Belize City. Approximately a hundred utility experts and professionals are expected to attend the three-day event to hear presentations on a variety of topics. OOCUR’s Chair, Floyd Phillips, told us what they hope to achieve by […]

Calbert Budd Jr. beats murder rap

And in news from the Supreme Court, twenty-seven year old Calbert Budd Jr. became the fourth person in two weeks to beat the murder rap following on the heels of Tyronne Tillett and the Villanueva brothers, Jermaine and Jaime. Budd, who was charged with the murder of Jason Avila, was freed of the charge when […]

Lemus brothers walk free of Attempted Murder

Two brothers are free tonight of attempted murder charges. Nineteen year old Anibal Lemus and twenty year old Mauricio Lemus were both charged with the attempted murder of Wayne Joseph and were freed today in the court of Justice Herbert Lord. Crown Counsel Francis Turner entered a nolle prosequi, indicating that the prosecution could no […]

Potential juror removed from list due to convictions

Also in the Supreme Court, a potential juror was struck off trial duties when it was discovered that he had previous convictions and a pending charge before the court. Twenty-seven year old Michael Herrera, who was selected last Friday as a juror in the case of George Matthews, charged with Attempted Murder, was removed from […]

Mother and son complain of police harassment

Throughout the years we’ve reported countless allegations of police abuse. But tonight a Belize City youth is saying that he is being harassed by those who’ve sworn to protect him. The latest incident, says Richard White and his mother Evadney Scott, occurred this morning as White was returning home after purchasing groceries. White says he […]

Single mothers getting skills and trade training

If you are a single mother looking for an opportunity to learn a skill or trade, there is good news for you. The Women’s Department through the Ministry for Social Transformation is assisting single mothers to generate income. The department is offering a job placement program called “Supporting Single Mothers in Belize City”. Through consultation […]

Local reaction to Barack Obama’s victory

On August twenty-eighth, 1963 Martin Luther King Junior delivered a speech at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington D.C. in which he said “I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of […]

Met Office gives tour of operations

Whether it is rainy or sunny, the weather is an important feature of our daily routines. But few know the intricacies of putting the forecast together. And with the recent floodings, a News Five team headed to the Met Service in Ladyville for a behind the scenes look at the local capabilities. Jose Sanchez reports. […]