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Home » June, 2009 You are currently browsing entries posted in: June, 2009

W.H.O. declares stage six; H1N1 reaches pandemic level

There are still no local confirmed cases of the influenza A H1N1, even though the epicenter of the virus is neighboring Mexico. This morning the virus was declared the first flu pandemic in over forty years and the alert level was increased from phase five to six on the World Health Organization’s System. Six is […]

Cruise ship quarantines six crew members for flu

On the day that a H1N1 pandemic was declared by the W.H.O., alarm bells sounded when a cruise ship that docked at the Belize City port, advised that crew members were quarantined on board. Passengers came on shore only after a visit by health authorities. Jose Sanchez at the tourism village and has this report. […]

…And Hollywood superstar John Travolta visits Belize

While there was a frenzy at the Tourism Village, John Travolta caused quite a stir when it became known that he was one of the passengers on the Enchantment of the Sea cruise ship. The international celebrity docked at the Radisson Pier shortly after four this afternoon where he stayed in the VIP room of […]

Investigation into death of toddler complete

We have been unable to confirm from the Ministry of Health, but Andy Jones the husband of Cenaida Reymundo, says in an email to Channel Five, that the ministry has completed an investigation into the death of their newborn. On May eleventh, Cenaida delivered her own baby at the Punta Gorda Polyclinic without the aid […]

Maya land rights case adjourned to Friday

The long running Maya land rights case against the government was back in court on Wednesday. Hundreds travelled from south to the city in support or against the issue of land rights. Submissions were made by attorney for the Mayan Leaders Alliance and the Toledo Alcaldes’ Association, Antoinette Moore. The case was expected to continue […]

Two men charged for possession of one bullet

Also in court, two men plus one bullet, that equals jail time. And in this case, the bullet was allegedly being smuggled into prison by thirty year old Alwin Marin and twenty-six year old Ashton Myers. But their plan was thwarted and instead they appeared in court today where they were charged with Keeping Ammunition […]

Councillor meets with F.I.U. over compromised database

The Financial Intelligence Unit has said that the Cemetery Road MoneyGram agency was shut down because of an identity theft scam. But the investigations are ongoing and the public still has a sense of insecurity about personal information being accessed from the City Council’s drivers’ license database. When City Councillor responsible for traffic, Wayne Usher, […]

Mayor comments on council’s financial controller

Immediately after the March fourth elections, Prime Minister Dean Barrow appointed a financial administrator to City Hall in response to the allegations of lack of controls. And what does the Mayor think of this? We posed this question to the mayor when she appeared on this morning’s Open Your Eyes. Zenaida Moya Flowers, Belize City […]

Public is urged to continue precautionary measures for flu

Earlier in the news cast we reported on the close call at the Tourism Village when crew members on a visiting cruise ship were kept in isolation because of flu-like symptoms. Doctor Paul Edwards urges the public to continue to exercise caution. Dr. Paul Edwards, Focal Point Pandemic Influenza “The type A H1N1 continues to […]

H1N1 forces temporary closure of Chetumal schools

The State of Quintana Roo has not yet reported any new confirmed cases of H1N1 flu since the first outbreak. But lately a number of persons have reported swine flu like symptoms. While the results of tests are still not known, the threat of a pandemic has prompted the health authorities in Quintana Roo to […]

Bus carrying tourists involved in accident on highway

It has not been a good day for visitors to the jewel. Shortly before eight this morning, a bus carrying tourists en route to Jaguar Paw for cave tubing ran off the road to avoid hitting a freightliner that was turning into a road just before mile seven on the Western Highway. Before coming to […]

National Festival of Arts ends with lots of prizes

The three-day National Festival of Arts finished its run today with another round of performances from primary schools around the country. This morning, students from Cayo as well as a few from Belize district delighted the audience with several creative and original pieces. Today’s show lasted an impressive time of over three hours and as […]

Healthy Living looks at immunization of babies

In Healthy Living this week we look at what parents need to do to keep children and babies healthy – immunization. Marleni Cuellar, Reporting When it comes to preventative health care, the success of immunization is a good example. The Ministry of Health reports that in the period 2000 to 2008 an overwhelming ninety percent […]