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Home » February, 2010 You are currently browsing entries posted in: February, 2010

Minister of Works comments on possible Cabinet reshuffle

In the next few days it will be two years since the U.D.P. government took office and it is becoming patently clear that Prime Minister Dean Barrow is heading to a Cabinet reshuffle. Today’s issue of the government newspaper, quoted the Prime Minister as saying that “as it relates to the Minister of National Security, […]

Stolen Ministry of Works grader presumed to be in Guatemala

An extensive search is underway for a government owned 2000 12-H grader that was stolen from the Ministry of Works just after midday on Wednesday. The operator, Dwayne Arthurs, was grading the Young Gial Road in Teakettle Village in the Cayo District when he was held up by three armed men believed to be Guatemalans. […]

B.E.L. and P.U.C. square off in court over un-submitted FTRPs

The rapport between the nation’s local electricity supplier and the regulatory body has been less than amicable and it got really ugly about a year ago when the two ended up in court.  The Belize Electricity Limited went to court because it disagreed with the PUC’s position that it owed customers over thirty million dollars […]

Shian White sentencing deferred to next Friday

Shian White, the mother who was found guilty of beating her two year old to death, was brought before Justice Adolph Lucas. But she is back in prison tonight and still does not know how much longer she will be there because sentencing was deferred to next week Friday. Twenty-three year old White admitted to […]

3 charged for attacking St. Martin’s school teacher

There was an all out brawl at St. Martin De Porres Primary school on Tuesday after a teacher disciplined a student and his infuriated parents showed up to return the favour. When the dust settled that day, a teacher, the vice principal as well as several students had been injured and there were more angry […]

Caye cop pulled off the job for sexually assaulting 14 year old tourist

In the San Pedro Magistrates’ Court, a police officer attached to the Caye Caulker Tourist Police Unit was interdicted after he was criminally charged for the indecent assault of a fourteen year old Canadian tourist. Police Constable Darren Casimiro was today arraigned following an investigation into the allegation that around eleven-forty p.m. on Monday, he […]

BNE willing to renegotiate production sharing agreement

In Wednesday night’s newscast you heard the Chief Executive Officer of Belize Natural Energy Limited, Dr. Gilbert Canton, presenting figures that his company claims represent government’s total royalties collected up to the end of 2009 in oil revenue. Canton said that government got fifty-eight percent and forty-two percent went to BNE. He claimed that BNE’s […]

Crude refinement and new waste management efforts in oil industry

Still on the oil industry, Petroleum Director, Andre Cho, told News Five earlier this week that there are other developments in respect of petroleum. According to Cho, a BNE affiliated company is refining the crude to produce gas and diesel and there are efforts to keep the wastage of the natural resources at a minimum.  […]

Works on the Northern Highway halt until barriers are installed

The upgrading of the Northern Highway between miles five and the airport cutoff has practically come to a standstill. It’s an area that has turned deadly for traffic.  A section of the road caved in late last year and even as repairs were taking place, piles collapsed.  C.E.O. , in the Ministry of Works, Cadet […]

BATSUB and Port of Belize discuss unloading of British vessel

On Wednesday night we reported that the Port of Belize and the Port Authority were at odds.  That’s because the Port Authority allowed the unloading of a cargo ship at Old Belize. The cargo was the property of British Forces Belize and remains in the Belize Harbour tonight awaiting unloading because the Port of Belize […]

Belize observes World Cancer Day 2010

It is the cause of more than twelve percent of deaths in Belize each year and around the globe, the annual death toll is in the millions. The killer is cancer and today it is in the spotlight as World Cancer Day is observed internationally. On February fourth each year, countries, including Belize, hold activities […]

EU scholarships opening doors with the educational key to success

It is said that education is the key to success and this week, the University of Belize is cementing that idea by creating new opportunities for its students to tap into tertiary level studies in Europe.  The break comes through the Erasmus Mundos scholarship programme that caters to all African, Caribbean and Pacific countries, including […]

“Devilish” play for adults at the Bliss this weekend

If you could make a deal with the devil to have your will done, what would you do? That is a question that triggers rampant ideas and possibilities and it is the concept behind the new play coming to the Bliss Center for the Performing Arts called “Devilish”. It may sound a tad controversial, but […]

Healthy Living: The pains of wisdom teeth and their removal

This week’s edition of Healthy Living looks at the wisdom teeth. It appears anytime past the age of fifteen and how it positions itself in your mouth, can make the difference. Marleni Cuellar, Reporting The wisdom teeth are the third set of molars in the mouth. It is also a common source of discomfort for […]