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Home » September, 2011 You are currently browsing entries posted in: September, 2011

Gang truce fragile

Independence Day speeches 2011 took on a different tone. The Minister of Tourism, the mayor of Belmopan, the Leader of the Opposition and the Prime Minister punctuated their speeches with tributes to the Right Honorable George Price, the national hero who took the country to independence and whose vision gave birth to the new capital.  […]

9 year old youth murdered

Shortly after that statement was made in Belmopan, a nine year old school boy became a victim of the bad blood between two gangs in the city after viewing the formal parade on Independence Day in Belize City. Joshua Abraham was fatally shot on Victoria Street; he is also the son of a reputed George […]

The economy of Independence 2011; P.M. says outlook good

Unlike previous years, there were no daggers drawn between the leader of the Opposition and the Prime Minister on Independence Day.  In his address, John Briceño focused on the work and vision of George Price. After declaring the day of the state funeral for Price, a public and bank holiday, the PM Dean Barrow launched […]

Leader of the Opposition’s words of Price resonate

While Barrow gave a breakdown of projects that are either planned or in progress, the Leader of the Opposition took his time at the podium as a reflection on the nation that George Price envisioned.  Briceño spoke of nationality and nationhood while quoting a youthful Price at the onset of the birth of a nation. […]

Former Jamaican P.M., P.J. Patterson laments Price’s passing

Additional details are becoming available for the state funeral of the Right Honorable George. But first, his passing has been felt well beyond our borders since he died last Monday morning at the Belize Healthcare Partners. On Tuesday, the former US President, Jimmy Carter, paid tribute to him for advancing the democratic process in this […]

Patterson says Price was man of steel, father and visionary leader

PJ Patterson told us via telephone that Price played long and flawless innings to Belize and the rest of the Caribbean and that his memory will long live. Via Phone: PJ Patterson, Former Prime Minister, Jamaica “Now in the 1980’s the party to which I belong in Jamaica was in opposition and I had returned […]

Musa says God led Price to liberate the Belizean people

You’ve heard testimonials about George Price from colleagues, and from those who came in contact with him over the nine decades of his life. But the man who succeeded him as the Leader of the P.U.P., Said Musa, took his turn today to speak about the man who taught him to lead. Musa said Price’s […]

O.W. Murder on the eve of Independence day

There is another grieving family. In the village of August  Pine Ridge in the Orange Walk District, a seventeen year old allegedly pulled the trigger on a married woman, with whom he appeared to be obsessed. It happened on Independence Day eve. News Five’s Andrea Polanco has that story. Andrea Polanco, Reporting Twenty-five year old […]

CSI in Belize; Crime Scene Investigation and DNA lab on the way

If you’re an avid television viewer and watch the one hour crime dramas like Law and Order, then the Prime Minister spoke directly to you when he announced that Belize will soon acquire its own CSI or Crime Scene Investigation unit, complete with a DNA lab. Barrow said that the funding to set up the […]

Barrow says lower electricity rates and internet GST gone

The Independence Day ceremony was also an opportunity for PM Barrow to make announcements about the two recently acquired utility companies. Barrow accused Fortis, the former owner of Belize Electricity Limited, of making artificial costs by buying equipment that wasn’t used. He promised to lower electricity rates and to waive General Sales Tax from internet […]

Sri Lankans moviemakers to be deported

You’ve heard about the Sri Lankan moviemakers, who entered the country a few weeks ago posing as a production unit. There was always the lingering suspicion that they weren’t in the movie business and last week, eleven were charged for willfully supplying false information to an immigration officer.  Their detention at the Hattieville Prison when […]

Alleged robber threatens victim with murder

A robbery victim was targeted on Friday by the man accused of stealing from him. Jesus Navarro reported that eighteen year old Justin Grant approached him aggressively and threatened to kill Navarro as well as his family if he didn’t drop the Robbery charge. Grant reportedly told Navarro that his child will be born this […]

Procession route for Price established

As the nation mourns the death of the Rt. Hon. George Price, his final resting place has come under sharp debate. There are members of the family who have publicly expressed preference for the Price Centre in Belmopan, but the family plot at Lord’s Ridge Cemetery has been announced as the burial site. Notwithstanding, there […]

Institutions pool resources with M.O.U. for Research

There is a great quantity of research on Belize’s history and culture, but due to a lack of resources much of the studies have to be conducted by foreign organizations. To address that problem, a memorandum of understanding was signed today between NICH, the University of Belize, the National Library Service and Information System, Saint […]

Independence Day Parade in the Capital

A uniform parade was held in Belize City to celebrate Independence Day. In the capital, immediately after the official ceremonies, the annual parade had the participation of marching bands, hundreds of students and Belmopan citizens. Displaying patriotism on the nation’s thirtieth birthday, vehicles and floats from governmental and non-governmental organizations were decked out in the […]

Healthy Living searches for Gout

Gout is a condition that mostly affects men. It can be linked to genetics, but it can also arise from alcohol consumption as well as age. The good news is that it is treatable and preventable. Healthy Living discusses this form of arthritis with Dr. Daniel Godinez. Marleni Cuellar, Reporting For those who’ve experienced it, […]