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5 year old girl raped

Tonight there is a disturbing story of a vicious crime committed on a four year old child. The mother, whose identity will not be revealed to protect the child, has reported that the young girl was sexually abused and the suspect is someone the family knows. According to the mother, on Thursday evening the little […]

Belize Tourism Board’s Seleni Matus resigns

On Wednesday, in his Independence Day speech, the Prime Minister spoke of a six point seven percent increase in the second quarter of this year in overnight visitors. You would think that with such growth, the Director of Tourism would be resting on her laurels. Well, not so; this afternoon, Seleni Matus resigned from the […]

Price’s memory lives on

The nation prepares to say farewell to the Father of the nation, Right Honorable George Price. Around the country, flags are flying at half-mast as messages of condolences continue to pour from all over in honor of the national hero who passed away on Monday after a relatively short period of hospitalization. The body of […]

Former Prime Minister recollects lessons from Price

The nation will watch as the body of the Father of the Nation is paraded through the streets of the city that he forged into the country we love. The mystique of Price lives on; while he was the most known public figure, his private life was closely guarded. There were so many experiences that […]

Notes of condolences flow in about Father of the Nation

Since the death of the Right Honorable George Cadle Price expressions of sympathy from his family and friends at home and abroad have been overwhelming.  On Thursday former Jamaican Prime Minister P.J. Patterson shared his recollection of the late Father of the Nation. The OAS Assistant Secretary General, Albert Ramdin, said that “his ideals still […]

Procession route of body of Father of the Nation

Price’s death has unified the nation and his funeral this weekend will be followed from start to finish. So here are our programming notes.  Beginning on Saturday at six in the morning, our coverage of the final farewell to the Right Honorable George Price gets underway with documentaries and interviews. At six-forty-five, we’ll have live […]

Special Sitting of the Supreme Court for new Chief Justice

A special sitting of the Supreme Court was held this morning for the newly sworn-in Chief Justice Kenneth Benjamin. Present were members of the judiciary and the legal profession. CJ Benjamin took the oath before Governor General Sir Colville Young to replace Acting Chief Justice Samuel Awich and succeed former Chief Justice Abdulai Conteh in […]

Benque Queen shames mayor; Mayor calls cops

The celebrations associated with September have been duplicated across the country with carnival road marches, uniformed parades, presentations and pageants. But there is an unusual story about the festivities in Benque Viejo. The Independence Queen in her first public address embarrassed Nick Ruiz, the Mayor of Benque. But it doesn’t end there, it seemed the […]

16 year old laborer charged with Murder of Orange Walk woman

Sixteen-year-old Freddy Amir Blanco, a laborer of August Pine Ridge was formally arrested and charged for the shooting death of twenty five year old Nelsi Chuc. On Thursday night we told you that Chuc was killed by an obsessed teen who pulled a gun on her on Tuesday, September twentieth after she ignored his advances. […]

Woman reaches a milestone; over 100 years plus

The following story will make you smile. Meet Justina Carias of Santa Familia in the west. Few have lived to tell their story; but she has for ten decades plus some. When we caught up with Carias today, she was all smiles and looking forward for her birthday party. News Five’s Delahnie Bain today met […]

Citrus Leprosy detected in Belize

It has been affecting other Central American countries, and for the first time citrus leprosies has been detected in Belize. The first report came in early August when a farmer noticed that his fruits appeared to be rotting. The Citrus Grower’s Association’s research director suspected citrus leprosies and it was later confirmed in lab tests. […]

APAMO says community participation needed to manage natural resources

While citrus farmers battle with the leprosies disease, APAMO is attempting to encourage community participation in the management of natural resources. A symposium was held today to report on recent scientific research and projects conducted by NGOs as well as to discuss initiatives by relevant stakeholders. The symposium was attended by a number of representatives […]

Sculptor of Price Bust speaks about experience

While the world recalled experiences with Price, one man has a unique perspective on his face. That is because he studied every muscle, wrinkle and wave of hair on Price’s head. Over a decade ago Steven Okeke, the Sculptor and businessman met George Price. And though Okeke had just become a naturalized Belizean, he too […]

Words from Father of the Nation

To close tonight’s news; we leave you with one of the most memorable statements made by the Right Honorable George Price. It was back on the morning of September twenty-first in 1981 when the first prime minister addressed the free and independent Belize. {Excerpt of Price Speech}