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Home » September, 2011 You are currently browsing entries posted in: September, 2011

Miguel Castillo, father of well known cyclist, murdered

Well known Santino cyclist Marlon Castillo has had his share of tragedy. Recently, Castillo was the driver in an accident that resulted in the fatality of his good friend Ariel Rosado. Castillo has been charged for that accident and he is now facing the loss of a close family member. His father, well known business […]

Cinderella Plaza’s Taxi man, “Bull,” kidnapped and stabbed

Also on Thursday night, another unexplained brutality occurred; this time on the Northern Highway. A Belize City taxi driver had a horrific near-death experience. Forty-seven year old Rocliffe Orin Stevens, known to many as “Bull”, picked up three passengers in the Pickstock Street area of Belize City and they asked to be taken to a […]

No Butane! 3 LPG Companies on strike

There is a countrywide shutdown of butane from three of the country’s largest suppliers of Liquid Petroleum Gas (LPG). Since Thursday, supplies of LPG have been systematically dwindling by mandate of Belize Western Energy Limited (BWEL), Gas Tomza Limited and Zeta Gas Limited. Jose Mai the General Manager of BWEL told News Five via phone […]

Government and Butane Suppliers will meet on price impasse

The government will meet with the Central American Group of importers during the course of next week to arrive at an amicable solution.  However, GOB reiterates that it will not contemplate any price increase with any individual or grouping until there is full compliance with its regulations. BWEL’s manager disagrees. But how much of an […]

Resounding response from viewers about GOB bargaining with criminals

At the top of the newscast we told you about innocent citizens who have been targeted by violent criminals. The blood lust amongst gangs have been set on citizens rather than on opposing street factions since last week’s meeting with the Prime Minister. PM Dean Barrow brought the Belize City gangs to the table to […]

What will GOB do to rehabilitate Banana Industry?

The banana belt in southern has been battered by three consecutive nights of intense thunderstorms, losing an estimated twenty to twenty-five million US dollars. Recovery is expected to take months and some growers will virtually have to start from scratch by replanting their farms. New Five asked the Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries, Rene Montero […]

Dem a talk ‘bout 9th Amendment; citizen disputes GOB figures

The government proudly announced after Wednesday night’s public consultations in Dangriga, that one hundred and thirty-six out of a total one hundred and seventy-eight residents in attendance support the ninth amendment. But today, one Stann Creek resident is challenging that statement. Emilio Zabaneh called News Five today to say that he was keeping score during […]

House Raffle raises funds for youth programs

Every year Crimestoppers would raffle a house as a fundraising effort to pay for rewards. This year, an organization that intends on developing the minds of the youth, is picking up the slack. Several churches with the help of kids have built a sturdy wooden house that they want to raffle to the public. According […]

Students get scholarships

The Hol Chan Marine Reserve was established in 1987 and its Board of Trustees was later formed in 1994. It’s Belize’s oldest marine reserve and has expanded over the years to a protected area of seven square miles, including the famous Shark Ray Alley. Today Hol Chan along with the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries […]

Living Hope’s dream now a reality; school gets new building

Living Hope Preparatory School is a non-profit organization that caters for at-risk youths. That group includes first time offenders, students that failed the PSE and did not move on to high school as well as students that have been expelled from either primary or secondary school. It’s a second chance for the young people to […]

Alleged shooters of Rodwell Williams to stand trial

The two men who were accused in 2010 of shooting the Prime Minister’s legal partner, Attorney, Rodwell Williams, will stand trial in the Supreme Court for attempted murder, use of deadly means of harm and dangerous harm. That decision followed a preliminary inquiry held this morning before Magistrate Edd P. Usher in the case against […]

Complications for men paralyzed while on prison bus

Two prisoners on remand for separate murders were left permanently paralyzed after a prison bus overturned on the Northern Highway back in May. Just over a week ago, both Crispin Moreno and Dean Davis applied for bail due to their condition. Moreno was freed of the Murder charge and Davis was back in court today […]

Belize recognizes Palestinian state

The government announced today that it is recognizing Palestine as a state. Belize is now on the same page with one hundred and twenty other countries who have also expressed support for Palestine’s statehood. A vote is expected by the end of this session of the United Nations General Assembly. The resolution requires the support […]

WAMI; Conference on writers, artists, musicians and intellectuals

The first annual Writers, Artists, Musicians and Intellectuals (WAMI) Conference was held today in conjunction with the September Celebrations. The overview of the conference and introduction of the WAMI panelists was conducted by Adele Trapp. WAMI intends to keep a fresh dialogue on all arts. News Five’s Jose Sanchez reports. Jose Sanchez, Reporting The Conference […]

Belikin Beer brews anew brewmaster

Belikin is the king of beer in Belize. And to keep the local brand in its top form, the company sent one of its employees to Europe to become skilled in a treasured art. Nolan Michael is Belikin’s new brewmaster. News Five’s Isani Cayetano reports. Isani Cayetano, Reporting For many the satisfaction of an ice […]

Safiyyah doubles up for the 10th of September

Thinking about treating yourself or a loved one to a fancy new toy? Well, Safiyyah has some ideas for you in this week’s What’s Happening Belize. She visited the newly opened branch of Cellular World which is right in the heart of downtown Belize City. {Feature on Cellular World…}