Benque Queen shames mayor; Mayor calls cops
The celebrations associated with September have been duplicated across the country with carnival road marches, uniformed parades, presentations and pageants. But there is an unusual story about the festivities in Benque Viejo. The Independence Queen in her first public address embarrassed Nick Ruiz, the Mayor of Benque. But it doesn’t end there, it seemed the story grew wings and flew quickly across that municipality and instead of acceptance, the mayor called the cops on the queen’s mother. After sharing her story with News Five about an absentee mayor, Ruiz instructed officers to pick up Kenia Mazin’s mother by force, and take her to a meeting over which he presided. Apparently Ruiz was hoping that he could make Mazin quiet about the embarrassing moment on Independence Day when she ‘outed’ him as a poor example. Mazin spoke about the speech she gave at the Canha Marshalleck Center on the twenty-first in Benque.
Kenia Mazin, Benque Viejo Queen of Independence
“In my independence speech, I thanked everybody who helped me financially. It is difficult to go to your own town board so that everybody would have a good celebration, but it caused problems for the mayor. But what I said I had the right to say. But when I went there to the City hall, I was told the mayor was never available. And we’re given the run around, there are no funds. The people always want to hear from the mayor and he is never there. That is the comment I made and that is the truth. But he knows it is true. He was offended by what I said. A lot of people are repeating it and say he will resign. But I didn’t say anything that is not the truth. And if he wants to be upset that is his business. I didn’t see anything about the celebration that showed much money was spent. Everything was disorganized. I spoke to the mayor. I told him it was not personal but he needed to do his job. When I went to pick up two hundred dollars that to be used for the pageant, I was treated rudely. I was treated badly and expected respect from the mayor. If he wants to stay as mayor he should treat people better. I wish he would have more communication with the people.”
News Five understands that the meeting didn’t go well for the mayor.
hes a bloody @$$ speaking your mind and truth hurts his dump @$$ what a mayor and simple police who tek lee bet a nothing to try arrest the queen
the truth shall make u free mr.mayor of Benque…….good for u, you need to do ur job and stop the lamup.
the truth shall make u free mr.mayor of Benque…….good for u, you need to do ur job and stop the lamup.
Indeed, it is a great shame with this mayor. Almost everyone speaks badly about him, from the taxi drivers to the ladies who sell tortillas. I believe this story about him calling the cops on the lady, because I have known him to have done the same thing before on other ladies. I know because I saw it with my own eyes. We told him about his foolish, childish behavoir. Shame on him. No wonder the UDPs have not called municipal conventions in Benque – Erwin cannot find a way to tell his cousin, Nicolasito, it is over for him. They cannot expect to win with him on their list. Shame, shame, shame on you Nicolasito Ruiz. And shame on the POLICE in Benque as well. How can the police, then, expect respect from the citizens. Kenia Mazin, you did the right thing by going to the media and exposing the truth and for scolding this grown “man”. Now, who we will have to get the attention of the Commissioner of Police to scold his officers in Benque. Do you think he would go through the trouble to do that?
shame for abusing the Queen;shame and out you go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Congrats!!!!! kenia you really have the b!!!!!!!!lls to step up on that so call mayor of Benque Viejo. I am Benqueño as well, and Benque is a gost town cuz nada is happening there , no jobs, no uttilities offices, and most of important of all infracture of streets is in a mess ever since. I don’t really understand how NICK breggin up that Benque viejo is the cleanest town in the country when in reality only downtown of Benque is kinda clean while the rest of the town is really dirty cuz the Mayor puppets those driving the garbbage truck only pass to pick up garbbage whenever they want. HEY NICK IS TIME TO TAKE A HIKE YOU WORTHLESS MAYOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
CONGRATS KENIA!!!!!!!! its a shame Nick that a student is showing how to respect others. You really need to back to school and learn to respect the people who voted for you to become mayor. Hey nick stop fooling the prime minister that much improvement have been done in Benque because you and I know that is BULL !!!!! it. Also stop bregging up that our Benque is the cleanest town in the country !!!!!!. HEY NICK IS TIME TO TAKE HIKE YOU WORTHLESS SO CALLED MAYOR !!!!!!!!
WOW, a little girl that knows the job description of a Mayor better than most adult politicians! maybe she will be Mayor in ten years or so? It was about time someone stood up and spoke her mind!, we need more people to demand more from of our elected public servants! Viva Belize power to the people! freedom of speech!
belize in general,. is like this idiot of a mayor,,when you need somethng you go to their office ,.. and either they hide and have the secretary say they are not available or they make you sit for hous or they’ll tell you to come back and they keep playing around with your time, just a signature or something that can be done immediately it’ll take like three days before you get an application or a document signed by this !@xxxing stock up @$$hxxxles, so i hope more people learn to stand up to these idiots and make them do their jobs efficiently
wow kenia spiderman was my hero but now you are!!you really make benque people proud by speaking on behalf of them, thus saying only the truth about the municipality!!!!
Benque is a ghost town and the real benquenos vote for change, but Erwin contreras keep on winning because he registers people from Melchor. The conventions are full with people from Melchor!!!
NICK.. Porque el uso de prepotencia? Acaso es tan grave el abrir la boca y hablar? Has caido tan bajo y es una verguenza el Benque..Quiza porque es Viejo..estamos destinados a vivir asi? No creo…No hay iniciativa ni vision ni nada de desarollo para el pueblo…SOY UDP…pero asi como yo hoy, comparto un sentimiento muy vergonzoso de ser UDP con la mayoria de UDP’s en el Benque…Y TE JURO NICK, QUE LA MAYORIA DE UDP’s NO iran a votar porque prefieren abstenerse de poner a lideres que solo saludan y ayudan cuando quieren votos y despues se esconden y no solo sos vos, sino que tambien don contreras. Se entendia cuando no habia un gobierno UDP en el mando, pero hoy no hay escuzas…SE ACABO EL TIEMPO PARA EL REINADO. PESADOS HAN SIDO EN BALANZA Y HAN SIDO HALLADOS FALTOS… Lastimosamente solo hay dos partidos politicos en Belize…Si no todos votARIAN POR uno nuevo con vision y propuestas…
NIClK..EL PEOR ALCALDE DE BENQUE VIEJO DE TODOS LOS TIEMPOS.. Se entendia cuando nuestro gobierno no estaba en poder pero hoy on hay escuzas…se acabaron…? Te Juro que LA MAYORIA DE UDP EN BENQUE asi como yo, ESTAMOS ARREPENTIDOS Y TENEMOS VERGUENZA DE SER UDP. PARA LAS SIGUIENTES ELECCIONES LOS UDP MEJOR SE ABSTENDRAN DE VOTAR POR VERGUENZA..Lastima que solo hay 2 partidos politicos en Belize. Dejen de esconderse tu y don contreras. Saquen la cara y muestren apatia y empatia con nuestra gente del benque..NO tienen vision, no tienen optimismo, no tienen ningun plan de desarollo…al igual que los siguientes canditatos a la alcaldia y a ministros..NO TIENEN VISION…ESTAMOS CANSADOS DE TONTERAS…!!!!!!
It has been heard country wide that Benqueños have been out numbered by the guatemalans, who have now been given several priorities over the born belizeans (taxis, trucking, business’s).
Benqueños u need to wake up.
Benque mayor you need to get your $#!% together. You need to accept that you are never around for the people who elected you.
great speech little girl, the truth is the truth. dont be afraid to say what it is. I wonder why he says nothing about the new routes given to our taxi drivers? that is the most stupidest thing ive heard, a route for taxi drivers! and the worst part, we cannot count with our own leader who is supposed to be the voice of our town. He is not worthy of being our mayor! the least he could do to avoid more embarrasment is resign.
great speech little girl, the truth is the truth. dont be afraid to say what it is. I wonder why he says nothing about the new routes given to our taxi drivers? that is the most stupidest thing ive heard, a route for taxi drivers! and the worst part, we cannot count with our own leader who is supposed to be the voice of our town. He is not worthy of being our mayor! the least he could do to avoid more embarrasment is resign.
Mr Mayor if you cannot stand the heat you should stay out the kitchen! A public life will have it critics and this was a constructive criticism. This is waht public life is all about. The other option you have is to start making yourself available to the people. Try it maybe it will work. Don’t start strong arming innocent people and haul them down to your office for no offence!
Belizean politics!
KENIA…..we all support you!!!!!
WOW and she is the Queen of Benque? What a shame, she is selling herself to all this unnecesary stuff…a queen beyond all should reign proudly no matter what! She surely has beauty but no intelligence. And ppl from Melchor? We do not need that to win! Prefer an intelligent person like Nick rather than a Dr*gAdik person to lead my town for the couple of years! And who is talking about family? Mendez are related with the Honourable Minister! haha
Who is talking about family? Don’t u forget the one running up for mayor on the counterpart is the minister’s cousin! hahaha…..and Kenya a girl should have dignity…u wanted to be queen because of the money u get? I prefer keeping Nick than a dr()g adict! El peor alcalde? jaja let us not talk!
No one have commented on this; but this is a DIRECT CONSTITUTIONAL VIOLATION OF BASIC HUMAN RIGHTS, that this Mayor did to forcebly haul this young lady’s mother to a meeting with him.
What the !***(% are we in Cuba now? Imagine when the 9th gets passed. People, be careful, do not keep your eyes off this 9th amendment.
haber si la gente benquena despierta.con este problemita que hubo.para mi el alcalde no es el estupido sino la gente benquena por poner a ninos
Yes gail, u did a great job by speaking out the truth. and you so called mayor, go live somewhere else and try doing someting with your like cause you are worthless where you are at the moment. Give the job to a real man who will clean benque and make it better and respect the people. You know those sick politicians tend to forget who put them there. stupid mayor, take a hike… And Ms. Queen great Job baby…
Kenia, we need more youths like u nowadays, in fact, we all have the freedom to speak our mind! and u did tell the mayor the truth! he is never in his office wen people need of his assistance! that is the point of being a mayor : TO BE THERE FOR THE THE TOWN!!! oh by d way mayor your big secretary Annie seems to be running the show instead of you….I think you attend more meetings than the prime minister! we all thought Nick was gona make a change, yes he has d education but he has no humanitarian qualities in his blood! The girl jst spoke her mind & that has nothing to do with dignity, Nick plz resign becuase your years as mayor were worthless, others did the work for you, that’s why they feel like they own the whole municipality!!!! I say Marconi Soza again as Mayor, he indeed was one of the best mayors Benque has ever had! & Nick u and Said Guerra were the worst mayors in history!!!! & Kenia no let no one intimidate you, raise your head high because you spoke the truth, & thats what hurts them because they thought we all were blinded fools!
Kenia no let no one intimidate you! This is a free country, and everyone has the right to speak there mind! & what you did has nothing to do with dignity, a queen not only represents beauty (superficial qualities) it also represents intelligence and the ability to speak your mind!!! Nick you and Said Guerra were the worst mayors Benque has ever had!!! You may have all the education, but u lack one thing and that is respect, and humbleness! You have no humanitarian qualities running in your blood! & its tru u are never in your office! u attend more meetings than the prime minister himself!!!! your secretary seems to be running the show for you, she acts like she owns the damn municipality!!!
la verdad no se esta manejando como se quisiera y existen muchos intereses alrrededor de esta historia, malos intereses que buscan desprestigiar en si la celebracion, pero habria que reconocer que lo que sucedio no tuvo que ver con la organizacion, sino a un rencor guardado hacia ese grupo, no vivo en el benque pero se de lo que se trata, la policia no actuo por el discurso de la chica sino por amenazas sobre la familia del alcalde, que nada tienen que ver en esta historia, por otra parte en cualquier pais, como en el mio que es el mismo de la familia de la reyna Guatemala, las difamaciones se persiguen por oficio y se puede ir a la carcel si te encuentran culpable, aqui en china y en guatemala, esperemos a ver que sucede con todo esto, que esta afectando mas a la chica que a cualquier otra persona.
Kenia for Mayor!!!!!! Take his Job —– U can do a better Job!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
okay, so we have heard this girl’s side of the story. If she made her speech, said it out loud and then went to the news, she should have some evidence to backup what she is saying. I say, and I strongly believe that being a democratic country we all have the right to lift up our voices, BUT, we should have proof of what we are saying. I know that the MUNICIPALITY is big work and the persons who work there are dynamic, smart and are willing to do anything for the party. MISS KENIA MAZIN, i have a question for you, did you even went through a pageant in order to win Miss Independence? NO!! so, you don’r deserve a crown. I was in Benque for vacations and luckily i was also present for the pageant. Miss Alexies won the title Señorita Flor de la Feria with transparency. I believe there was no cheating in the pageant. If it is like others say that you are angry because you did not win the title flor de la feria, you should now be more upset, because you did not even win the title Miss Independence. Why shame yourself? Let the Dirty People do the dirty work, don’t Sell your voice and your little dignity for money. Amen
I cannot comprehend why they say that this Mayor Nicolas has all the education and he is being stuck-up. They boy only has a bachelor degree (2 years studying in the US). What is his arrogance all about? He has a long way to go in the road of academic studies. Maybe someone must tell him that after a Bachelor Degree, there is a Masters and a Doctorates. They must also tell him that some other Bachelor Degrees are for 4 to 9 years, depending on the field of study. This boy needs to get real and come back to Earth. Why is he so arrogant with so little achievement. Even if he would ever get further studies, there is no reason to feel and behave above others. He is full of crap. I bet you that after all this public lashing he is getting he will run to Dean Oliver Barrow and ask him for a special government scholarship to go for a Masters Degree. You wait and see. Should we allow Oliver to give him our tax dollars to get an education? Hmm… maybe; only if he goes for a Bachelor Degree in Modesty. But then again, modesty/humility should be taught to him at home and at the church he attends front row.
Congratulations Kenia!! The people of Belize should be like you!! You got my admiration. The little people who are criticizing you are cowards……you are my little hero fighting for what is RIGHT….. like our beloved FATHER OF THE NATION….. MAY HE rest in peace…. He would certainly be proud of you…….. we need more like you………. instead of keeping your mouth shut like other cowards, you spoke the truth…… DONT EVER stop doing that……….. they will forever be kissing the A$$ of politicians even though they are suffering….. PEOPLE LIKE YOU always keep moving foward……. AND THATS BECAUSE YOU ARE A MINOR……shame on all of us who dont speak out BECAUSE we are afraid…………… remember its a DEMOCRATIC country ,…. speak out your mind and we all WIN……… we dont have A DICTATOR………many are forgetting themselves. AND THIS GOES TO THE MAYOR……SHAME ON YOU!!!!!!!
Kenia, well said, you have all the right to speak the truth, esos pedasitos de miercoles no hacen nada pal pueblo y todavilla quieren respeto. to hell with them. Tek dem out.
Buenas tardes. Antes que nada me da mucha pena leer lel tipo de expresiones que se utilizan por la mayoria de civiles y habla mucho de su educacion y deja mucho que desear. Esto es muy sencillo la seniorita ??? kenia deja mucho quew desear como miss independence. es sencillo esta ardida porque no gano. Entre mas pronto lo acept mejor para todos y sigamos adelante con el progreso del benque. aAl sr. alcalde siga adelante con el gran trabajo que esta logrando en su municipalidad. se nota que la mayoria de estos ignorantes se mueren de la envidia por tener aunque sea una minima parte de su inteligencia. Con gente tan ignorante y vulgar ha de ser muy dificil su tarea. mis mejores deseos para usted. Que viva Alexis del Valle reina flor de la feria. Ni modo solo una gano y gano la mejor. Move on people.
Que mal observador eres observador. Al parecer eres complaciente. Con gente como tu no hay progreso. O es que eres lambiscon(a) ??? Of course, we will move on. We cannot stay with this fool of a mayor.
let trash be trash and dont waist your precious time with people that doen`t deserve it. so kenia Mazin PLEASE grow……se que de tamano no creseras pero de mente talves…….but still you could try. and Mr. Mayor whenever you are doing something good their would always be ignorant people trying to bring you down, so you continue doing your job as always and let the stupid people talk. ( thats the only thing they could do….TALK)
Dear community, let’s be realistic, of course we have the worst ever mayor that Benque has ever had, i know many people who have a job at the town council are afraid of victimization if the speak the truth,well the ones that accept the truth but for those that are lambiscones and the ones who don’t want a successful town are speaking on behalf of nicholasito,just let me tell you about an incident that happened a few days ago.
Three taxi men were parked at the Centennial Park, speaking to each other, no alcoholic beverage was consumed,no music was played, they were only socializing at a recreational PUBLIC park,and since the mayor only recurs to police to do all his felonies, he called them so that they would chase away these persons, I mean how stupid and ignorant can he be, what does he thinks he is?and i say what not who because who refers to smart, understanding and respectful person. No servis papa mejor trata de regresar d maestro porq de politico ni tu padre t quiere, si no preguntaselo q el si fue un buen ministro q procuro para su pueblo.
i think that the drama that this so called queen made was usless and pointless! she just want publiicity! since she didnt won!! girl yuh have no dignity a true queen would turn the other cheek… and yeah she said “EVERY THING WAS DISOGRANIZE” sure cause she didnt won… and im sure that this people that are puting comments are not even real BENQUENOS! because real benquenos dont do things of this sort! shame on you KENIA MAZIN! and like you said its nothing personal!