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Female Minor Was Stabbed 52 Times

A gruesome discovery was made on Wednesday morning in Mahogany Heights. Seventeen-year-old Jasmine Petillo was brutally stabbed multiple times before her body was dumped in a ditch behind the community, off mile thirty on the George Price Highway. A postmortem exam conducted today on Petillo’s body confirmed that she had been stabbed an unimaginable fifty-two […]

Social Scientists Say Gang Interventions Are Not Working

A recent murder on LaCroix Boulevard in Lake I suggests that a longstanding feud between the PIV and bakaland gangs is escalating. These turf wars, rivalries and retaliations have accounted for much bloodshed. In the past months, we have seen the emergency of a creature called an intervention, in which players in rival gangs are […]

ACP Chester Williams Responds – Stop Talking and Start Helping

Those comments have not been taken well by those on the ground doing the interventions. Assistant Commissioner of Police Chester Williams struck back in his own unique style.   ACP Chester Williams, Commander, Eastern Division South “As it relates to that criticism and wherever it came from, I want to say – I really and […]

Fifteen Arraigned in Human Smuggling Ring

Fifteen persons, including ten Salvadoran men, a Belizean farmer and four Salvadoran women were today arraigned in the Belize City Magistrate’s Court for different offenses mounting from an alleged smuggling ring. Twenty-two-year-old Valley of Peace resident, Anivar Alvarenga was first to be arraigned; it is alleged that he aided and abetted the fourteen Salvadoran nationals […]

Central Bank Loses Citibank to Derisking

For the past couple months, the issue of de-risking has been placed on the backburner as other pressing national issues, including the Sarstoon and the B.T.L. arbitration award, have taken center stage in public discourse.  But the focus tonight is once again on the loss of correspondent banking relations.  This time, the Central Bank of […]

Don’t Blame It on the PUP, Says Briceño

The arbitration award will continue to dominate conversations for the next little while, perhaps escalating even, as people begin to recognize the enormity of a four hundred million dollar debt, two hundred million of which must be paid within a week. The total cost for the acquisition of B.T.L. is actually five hundred and fifty […]

PUP Says the UDP is Fostering a Perfect Economic Storm

Apart from claiming that the half-a billion dollar payout for B.T.L. is a deal and a victory, the Prime Minister has gone on record to say that they will not have a difficulty making the first payment of two hundred million dollars. According to Briceño, the P.M. may not have a difficulty making that payment, […]

Will the PUP Count Lord Ashcroft as an Ally?

And then there’s the man who is walking away with the half a billion dollar payout. Lord Ashcroft has been a messiah and a pariah, a friend and a fiend depending on political timing and political convenience. Still, he’s allegedly been a player in every recent election – on one side or the other or […]

The PUP Will Not Re-Engage in Guatemala Talks

The Sarstoon River remains a question mark. There are no official rules of engagement or protocols. As far as News Five has proven, civilians cannot go in there. We’ve been stopped by armed Guatemalan soldiers every time we’ve tried. There’s a timeline of sorts for a compromise of sorts, tentatively the end of the year. […]

How Will Brexit Affect the Caribbean?

British withdrawal from the European Union, widely referred to as Brexit, follows the United Kingdom European Union membership referendum.  It is a non-binding vote that took place last Thursday in the UK to measure support for the country’s ongoing membership in the EU.  The result of the poll sent massive shockwaves across Europe, as fifty-one […]

Historian Explains Caribbean Links to England’s Rise to Power

From a historic perspective, the Caribbean, according to Vice-Chancellor Beckles, has been central to England’s rise to power.  He contextualizes the history of England’s involvement in the region.   Sir Hilary Beckles, Vice Chancellor, U.W.I. “The Caribbean has been at the center of all of this for the last four hundred years.  The Caribbean has […]

Beckles Says Brexit Will Have Adverse Effects on the Region

Those in favor of leaving the E.U. say that it would allow the U.K. to better control immigration, thereby reducing pressure on public services, housing and jobs.  It would also save billions of pounds in E.U. membership fees and allow the U.K. to make its own trade deals and free the U.K. from E.U. regulations, […]

AAA Security Employee is Lucky GST Raffle Winner

Triple ‘A’ Security employee Delsie Smith is the lucky winner of the G.S.T. Grand Raffle. At two o’clock this afternoon, her name was successfully chosen from thousands of tickets and won the grand prize – a 2016 Toyota Rav Four. The single mother rushed over to the Charles Bartlett Hyde Building on Mahogany Street where […]

GST Commissioner Says Raffle Met its Goals

The raffle was done to give back to the community as part of the tenth anniversary celebration of the General Sales Tax Department. Commissioner Betty-Ann Jones told News Five that the goals set by the department have been accomplished. The raffle incentivized the public into getting businesses to comply with tax regulations.   Betty-Ann Jones, […]

Unlmtd Promotes New Video

Today, Belizean musician Bernard Cayetano, street name Unlmtd, stopped by our studio to promote a new video. He’s based in Belize City’s Lake I, and isn’t exactly a stranger on the musical scene. But he’s trying to get his message out to a wider audience.   Unlmtd, Musical Artist “I deh duh music probably about […]