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Home » July, 2016 You are currently browsing entries posted in: July, 2016

Accused Murderer Speaks From Behind Bars

William Danny Mason has been behind bars since July nineteenth, in a special facility at the Belize Central Prison reserved for high-risk prisoners. He is alone – or as alone as somebody in prison can be – having been separated from the four men arraigned along with him for the kidnapping and murder of Pastor […]

Family of Minor Denies Manipulation by John Saldivar

Superintendent Mark Flowers, former commander of the Gang Suppression Unit, spent his first night on remand at the Belize Central Prison on Tuesday.  The pretrial detention succeeds an arraignment at the magistrate’s court during which he was indicted on two counts of unlawful sexual intercourse involving a minor.  The teenager is believed to be several […]

Flowers Maintains Saldivar Is Plotting Against Him

Flowers maintains that the charges brought against him are all part of a plot to make him the fall guy, to shift attention away from the ongoing investigation involving alleged murderer William ‘Danny’ Mason.  He asserts that the Minister of National Security is meddling in the affairs of the police department where it concerns their […]

GSU Boss Claims Mason Offered to Buy His Land

The former GSU boss Mark Flowers has gone on record to say that he gained access to the posh home of William Mason in Belmopan as part of a covert operation to investigate the businessman.  Up until then, there had been allegations made against Mason that he conned several prominent entrepreneurs out of large sums […]

Mark Flowers Says He Will Get PM Involved in Plot against Him

Prior to handing himself in at the Queen Street Precinct on Tuesday, the embattled Mark Flowers had a few choice words for those whom he believes are behind the conspiracy to bring him down.  While he did not mention any names, it is safe to surmise that he is referring to Minister of National Security […]

Flowers Says His Removal Was Invalid

Flowers fall from grace was not foreseen. The former head of the GSU once provided security for the former Prime Minister Manuel Esquivel and was seen at many political events behind the prime minister including, a rally of the U.D.P. victory in November 2015 general elections. While he claims he and his boss were not […]

Belize Central Prison Has Special Protocols for High-Risk Prisoners

Today, News Five was at the Belize Central Prison and got an opportunity to enquire about the status of the new, high-profile additions to the facility. As we told you earlier, William Mason and four others accused of the very gruesome beheading of Pastor Llewellyn Lucas, have been on remand since July nineteenth; former Commander […]

Teenager Arraigned for Belmopan Murder

A teenager of Salvadoran nationality was this morning arraigned in the Belmopan Magistrate’s court for Monday’s murder of Bella Regina Williams.  The mother of three was found dead by her eldest daughter at the doorsteps of their Las Flores house. Police confirm Williams was partying with the murder suspect just prior to her death. Her […]

Female Population at Kolbe Gets New Classroom

It’s not often that News Five is invited within the compound of the Belize Central Prison, currently home to about one thousand four hundred and twenty inmates. But today we were, and it was for a good and positive reason. The female population of the facility has been gifted with a new all-purpose classroom building, […]

Prison Finances are Stretched Thin

Just one look at the Belize Central Prison would reveal that it is operating on a shoestring budget. The facilities are adequate, but not more than that. Before the construction of the new building, only possible through the largesse of generous and compassionate donors, the female population had little to write home about – just […]

Prison C.E.O. Says Society Should Accept Prisoners Rehabilitated and Released

Yes, you heard right. While the Kolbe group is committed to rehabilitation and turning inmates into productive citizens, the less inmates they have, the less money they get from government and the harder it is to make ends meet. That’s a dilemma that won’t be solved anytime soon. But financial woes aside, Murillo still insists […]

Repeat Offender Chester Noralez on Remand

Tonight alleged repeat offender, Chester Noralez, is on remand for snatching a chain from a friend in Belize City.  Noralez is the Belize City resident who is accused of beating ninety-four year old Patrick Grant to a bloody pulp in a home invasion in December of last year. But this morning, Noralez appeared before Magistrate […]

What’s the Latest at the Sarstoon?

With so many things happening on the news front, the situation at the Sarstoon has been pushed somewhat on the backburner. But from official indications, while public attention has been elsewhere, serious progress has been made. At a training session this week, B.D.F. Commander Brigadier General David Jones confirmed that all is peaceful in the […]

Have Illegal Guatemalan Fishers Gone Away?

Access to the Sarstoon was one major concern for Belizeans – another was the flagrant, brazen, unhindered illegal fishing not only on our side of the Sarstoon but all the way north to Barranco. From reports we’ve gotten unofficially, that situation seems to have been somewhat quelled, or at least not so brazen. Brigadier General […]

Meet the Footballers of Police United

This morning at the Isidoro Beaton Stadium in the capital, we caught up with Police United Football Club as the players trained to take on a Honduran team in a home and away game in the CONCACAF’s Champions League on August sixteenth.  It’s a big leap for the team that hopes to qualify for its […]

Manager Says Club Received No Money from William Mason

Now, to get Police United to the Scotia Bank’s CONCACAF Champions League is an expensive venture. Approximately two hundred thousand dollars is required for the team and delegation to travel and compete in the regional games in Honduras. Club Manager, Superintendent Andres Makin Senior says that the league, as well as corporate sponsors, has assisted […]

Stakeholders Discuss Impact of Climate Change

A cross-section of participants from various organizations, government and N.G.O.s gathered at the Radisson for a daylong conference where they discussed the impacts of climate change.  A panel of presenters was on hand today to share professional opinions on the existing phenomenon.  The forum was aptly titled Energy of Nature versus the Nature of Energy.  […]