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Home » September, 2017 You are currently browsing entries posted in: September, 2017

Police Look for Shooters of Joseph Ducey, Who Shot Back

There were a total of five shooting incidents over the weekend in which three persons were killed and three others remain in critical condition at the Karl Heusner Memorial Hospital. The fifth shooting was a brazen attempt on the life of Haitian national Joseph Ducey on Sunday morning. As Ducey stood inside his yard on […]

Sharon Frazer Takes Bench as Chief Magistrate

The Judicial and Legal Services Commission has appointed Sharon Fraser as the new Chief Magistrate effective September first, 2017. Magistrate Fraser is now tasked with the administration of the ten magistrate courts countrywide.    Fraser entered the Public Service in October of 1988 as a Customs Officer.  In 1998 on the completion of her LLB […]

Williams Versus Vidal: Senior Cops Told to Calm Down Confrontation

On Friday, Senior Superintendent Marco Vidal was served with a letter from attorney Andrew Marshalleck on behalf of Assistant Commissioner of Police Chester Williams.  Williams and Vidal are at odds over recent comments that the Eastern Division South commander made about his predecessor.  Those statements implied that Williams may have given preferential treatment to some […]

Wasani Castro Avoids Charge after Apologizing to Police for Outburst

Another near brush with the law for Wasani Castro; he was picked up by police on Sunday at the ITVET compound where he was attending the annual expo.  According to reports, the elder son of Transport Minister Edmond Castro got into a verbal exchange with a police officer during which threats were reportedly made.  He […]

No Conch Till October; Fisheries Seize Haul in Turneffe

The Fisheries Department and Belize Audubon Society carried out a joint operation Friday and Saturday which netted almost two thousand pounds of illegally harvested conch – of a market value of just under ten thousand dollars. As you know, the conch season reopens on October first, so it is illegal to harvest or be in […]

Help Needed for Construction Worker Struck Down by Hit and Run Vehicle

There was a near fatal hit and run on Saturday near our offices on Coney Drive. A forty-seven-year-old construction worker was knocked off his bicycle by a driver, who never stopped to render assistance. The impact sent Noel Reyes to the pavement causing head and body injuries. The Salvadoran national was rushed to the K.H.M.H. […]

A.S.R./B.S.I. Ready to Go on DC Sugar Project

The long-awaited upgrade to the Tower Hill sugar factory is to get underway despite misgivings from a major corner of the industry. After a record-breaking crop year, and ahead of the point where they could opt out of a seven-year commercial agreement with American Sugar Refining/Belize Sugar Industries Limited, the Belize Sugar Cane Farmers’ Association […]

Fire Wipes Out Family on Sunflower Street

A fire in the city has left a family of four on Sunflower Street homeless. On Saturday night, two members of the family were at home when a fire erupted on the verandah of their thirty-five by twenty-five wooden home. The fire spread quickly and the family lost everything. The family believes that someone intentionally […]

Orange Walk Housewife Vanishes

Have you seen Miriam Vasquez Alcoser? The forty-five-year-old resident of San Lazaro Village in Orange Walk has been missing since last week. Last Friday, Juan Alcoser told police that his wife left their home two days before, on Wednesday, September thirteenth, and hasn’t been seen or heard from since. Miriam is four feet, five inches […]

Where Did Dangriga’s Shaun Bennett Go?

And a man is also missing in the south. Thirty-five-year-old Shaun Bennett left his home in the Wageirale Area in Dangriga on September sixth and hasn’t returned since. His common-law-wife Valerie Williams told police that Bennett left for an unknown destination and she hasn’t had contact with him ever since. Bennett is of dark complexion, […]

Sports Monday’s Best from the Football Field

Good evening, I’m James Adderley and this is Sports Monday.   [Highlights of the weekend sporting activities…]

DPM Says Suspension of Petrocaribe Will Not Hurt Belize-Venezuela Relations

Tonight, the Petrocaribe initiative remains in limbo following an announcement of the immediate suspension of the program.  A meeting between two officials representing the Venezuelan government and Petroleos de Venezuela Caribe S.A. respectively with Prime Minister Dean Barrow was cancelled this afternoon. However, the officials are expected to arrive in Belize next week. The Government […]

Opposition Leader Says Venezuela May Be Backing Away from Belize

Meanwhile, APBEL General Manager John Mencias has told News Five that the problems with shipments have been ongoing for months now and provoked much complaint from the Government to both APBEL and Puma. There were some concerns at times that as PDV-Caribe failed to come through with oil shipments, Belize could run out of regular […]

Is Your Social Security Money Compromised by Government Investments?

The Social Security Board – it’s the safety net for Belizeans in time of need, whether through sickness, pregnancy, injury or even death. In recent times S.S.B. funds have been used to prop up Government interests, including but not limited to the National Bank; shares in Belize Telemedia Limited, Belize Electricity Limited and Belize Water […]

P.U.P. Proposes Some Modest Reform to Social Security

Briceño described the Government’s treatment of the S.S.B. as a piñata, always available for ready cash on demand. But with calls for increased contributions from workers, what, if anything, can be done to fix the Board’s position? While the party is still discussing its plans, Briceño outlined four areas of importance, which includes reducing expenses […]

Queen of the Bay is for All

The spectacle that was the simultaneous coronation of Aaliyah Ysaguirre and Esmeralda Cal as Queen of the Bay 2017 endures as the topic of choice in just about every forum.  Just about everyone has weighed in on the embarrassment that unfolded during the official ceremony on the Tenth of September when National Coordinator Zenaida Moya […]

September Celebrations Commission Not Behind Termination, Appeals for Unity

The humiliation playing out onstage at the Fort George Memorial Park on Sunday ended in Moya’s immediate termination on live television, though she says she cannot be fired.  Today, Faber says that his office as chair of the September Celebrations Commission had nothing to do with Moya’s dismissal.   Patrick Faber, Chairman, September Celebrations Commission […]

Senior Lawyer Makes Case Against Franz Parke for Court of Appeal

Information reaching News Five is that Prime Minister Dean Barrow has formally advised Governor General Sir Colville Young to appoint Franz Parke as a Justice of Appeal, although the appointment is not confirmed.  Both the Bar Association of Belize and Leader of the Opposition John Briceño, with whom the Prime Minister is required to consult, […]

Michael Modiri Headed Back to Court in Land Dispute

Justice Shona Griffith has set a date for trial in October in the long-running case of businessmen Michael Modiri and Bradley Paumen over access to land in the Franks Eddy Village, Cayo since 2012. Paumen is set to face a separate court trial over a charge of conspiracy to commit murder.  According to Modiri he […]

Chester to Vidal; Apologize or Face Legal Action

Senior Superintendent Marco Vidal has been served with a letter from attorney Andrew Marshalleck on behalf of Assistant Commissioner of Police Chester Williams for alleged slanderous comments made during a press brief on Tuesday.  In that interview, the Regional Commander of Eastern Division South insinuated that his predecessor basically gave preferential treatment to certain criminal […]

U.D.P. First Deputy Admits ‘All is Not Well’ Following Vega Scandals

Former Deputy Prime Minister Gaspar Vega and his family are embroiled in a seemingly endless land scandal, a different episode surfacing in the media virtually every week.  The excessive land grab led to Vega’s resignation as Minister of Natural Resources in October 2015 and his seat as second in command of the United Democratic Party […]

Faber Warns: Don’t Drag Out Senate Inquiry

Funding for the ongoing senate inquiry into findings contained within the Auditor General’s Special Report on the Immigration and Nationality Department comes to an end in November.  That follows an announcement by government that it will not expend any additional resources for the investigation.  While members of the Senate Special Select Committee have indicated an […]

John Briceño Accuses Government of Hypocrisy over Allocations

The Prime Minister’s decision to stop allocations of funding to the Senate Special Select Committee on Immigration past November appears to be final. But not if the social partners and opposition, who have been active in questioning witnesses, have any say about it. In addition to condemning the Prime Minister’s decision, Opposition Leader John Briceño […]

Still No Word from P.M. on Land Reforms

Two weeks ago Opposition Leader John Briceño wrote Prime Minister Dean Barrow in the wake of the Amy Forte/Darlene Padron argument over the deed of conveyance for land on Caye Caulker allegedly swapped with Andre Vega, who turned it into private land on Mosquito Caye with help from his dad Gaspar’s Ministry of Natural Resources. […]

Education Minister Says Threats to Schools Treated Seriously

The faculty and staff, as well as the student body at Saint Martin de Porres School, returned to the compound this morning, following a bomb threat on Thursday.  The ominous warning that a grenade would be detonated on the school grounds prompted the administration to take decisive action.  Principal Annie Palacio wasted no time contacting […]