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Home » April, 2018 You are currently browsing entries posted in: April, 2018

C.G.A. Fighting to Save Plant World Nursery from Receivership

There is mounting trouble in the citrus industry in the south. Already facing a significant decline in production, down to three million boxes, the news tonight is that the Citrus Growers Association is in deep financial trouble. Faced with a five million dollar debt which it has been unable to pay for its plant nursery […]

Citrus Greening Takes Toll on Industry

Citrus production will see a sharp decline of almost seven hundred thousand boxes of oranges this year, down from three point two million in 2017.  That downturn is being attributed to HLB, or citrus greening, disease.  While production of grapefruit goes up, there are concerns that both fruits are being sold across the border to […]

How Nursery Can Still Save Citrus

Despite its financial woes, all is not doom and gloom in the citrus industry.  There is optimism to report from the Plant World Nursery project.  C.E.O. Anderson believes that once it gets off the ground fully and the arrears are covered, the investment will provide monies for its stakeholders.   Henry Anderson, Chief Executive Officer, […]

Trio Including Belizeans Held for Out-of-Season Lobster in Guatemala

We regularly report on nationals of Guatemala and Honduras caught in Belizean waters with illegally captured produce, but rarely in the other direction. But according to Guatemalan media reports, on Tuesday morning three men were picked up by Guatemalan military personnel near Livingston. Prensa Libre reports that radar on the Guatemalan side warned of a […]

No More ‘Southside’ – Police Regions Now Numbered

What’s in a name? Just ask the Belize Police Department. They say they want to help to eliminate the stigma associated with what’s known as the “south side” and they want to get residents to start looking at the City as a whole – and not by north and south sides with connotations. So, they’ve […]

Guat F.M. Says Voter Turnout Performed Well

Guatemala’s Minister of Foreign Affairs on Monday further discussed her country’s participation in Sunday’s referendum. As has been widely noted, about twenty-seven percent of the population voted in the referendum of which a super-majority said yes. But with Belize’s referendum act requiring a simple majority turnout – something Guatemala is said to have pushed for […]

Ex-Belize F.M. Not Impressed

Senior attorney Lisa Shoman, who has served as Minister of Foreign Affairs under Said Musa’s administration and has been an ambassador to the United States and permanent representative to the Organization of American States, as well as put in valuable time on Belize’s diplomatic team attending to the Guatemalan claim, has a different view to […]

City Admin Plans Lawsuit over Suspension

City Administrator Candice Miller, we understand, is preparing to file suit against the Belize City Council, challenging her suspension from her duties. Miller was sent home on April fifth on a month’s suspension after being accused of dereliction of fiduciary duty. An ongoing investigation turned up transactions considered questionable, including a bill for food and […]

Calling the Next Miss Belize Universe

The Miss Universe Organization is searching for the next Belizean beauty ambassador to participate in the 2018 Miss Universe Pageant. A team from the U.S., dubbed Miss Universe Belize Organization, has been in Belize since the beginning of the week and on Friday and Saturday will be carrying out auditions for young Belizean women between […]

New Organization, New Opportunities for Pageant

It is well known that the pageant has been mired in scandals. It took almost a decade before the ban was lifted from Belize, allowing a delegate in the international competition. In 2016, southern belle Rebecca Rath was crowned Miss Belize and competed in the January 2017 Miss Universe Pageant in Manila, Philippines. But even […]

Vigil Continues for Hit and Run Victim Cristian “Swanka” Charles

It’s been four days since twenty-six-year-old Christian Charles was knocked down and left for dead near the Burrell Boom Bridge in rural Belize District. Swanka, as he is affectionately known, is still in a critical condition inside the Karl Heusner Memorial Hospital clinging to life following the hit and run incident which occurred sometime between […]

Accused Killer of Panamanian Diplomat in 2014 Awaits Fate

Now twenty-three years of age, he was only a teenager when he was accused of killing a Panamanian diplomat in what he called self-defense. The murder trial of Wilser Echevarria has now concluded in the Belmopan Supreme Court. From the start, and again speaking from the dock in his defense at trial, Echevarria maintained that […]

Teen Owns Up to Stolen Fishing Rods

A Honduran teenager from the Belama area admitted to handling two stolen fishing rods belonging to a Customs officer. According to Rudolph Williams, someone broke into his parked red Jeep Cherokee vehicle early on Monday morning April sixteenth and stole two thousand dollars worth of goods including several fishing rods. Police tracked down eighteen year […]

Teacher’s Vehicle Shot Up in Belmopan

Belmopan police are investigating a shooting incident that occurred on Friday morning on Macaw Avenue. Around twelve-fifteen a.m., Ysela Logan says she was awoken by the sound of gunshots just outside her home. When she checked, the thirty-three-year-old teacher says that she realized that her Saturn Vue SUV, valued at eight thousand dollars, which was […]

Police Forced to Shoot Valley of Peace Man During Operation

A criminal and an internal investigation is ongoing following a shooting incident in Valley of Peace, Cayo where a police officer shot a resident. According to police, officers were conducting operations in the village and as they were about to search the residence of Kevin Avetar, he ran into nearby bushes. One of the officers […]

Extent of Guatemalan Claim a Matter for I.C.J., Guat Foreign Minister Proposes

Exactly what does Guatemala claim of Belize? We’ve all heard the differing stories – the whole of Belize’s eight thousand plus square miles of territory; or only that portion south of the Sibun River which includes most of Cayo, Stann Creek and Toledo Districts, covering twelve thousand square kilometers. The figures alone sound scary, but […]

It’s Time to Separate Bilateral Relations from Claim Issue

With Belize’s referendum date not set, and a potential trip to The Hague still a few years away, Belize and Guatemala must continue to co-exist as neighbors and tackle important issues together. We asked Foreign Minister Jovel to outline her priorities, and she said the most important is untangling the issue of the dispute from […]

Referendum Finances Not Yet Confirmed

With a budget for the 2018 fiscal calendar in place, one that does not include allocations for a public education campaign ahead of the pending referendum, just how much is government prepared to spend on the exercise?  That’s what we asked Deputy Prime Minister Patrick Faber on Tuesday.  Despite a previous comment made by Foreign […]

Inside the Squatting Situation in Belmopan

On Tuesday night, we shared the story about the squatters who have brazenly settled in a reserved piece of land in Belmopan. They were given fourteen days to move out and some of the squatters told us that ain’t happening. They will move only if they are given a piece of land to relocate. So, […]

Operation ACT Moves into Majestic-Jungle Area

Tensions are high in the Majestic Alley-Jungle area. A spate of shootings and murders associated with the gangs in those areas has led to an increased hostility. Now, Police say that they are actively working in that area albeit a challenge due to high tensions. According to Chester Williams, Operations ACT has expanded from region […]

Meet and Greet Back on Jane Usher Boulevard

Today, cops were visiting residents in the Jane Usher Boulevard area in their meet and greet sessions. Things have been relatively calm in this area since more boots were put on the ground. Deputy Commissioner of Police Chester Williams said that they received a lot of positive feedback on the law enforcement efforts in the […]