International Decade for People of African Descent
The UN General Assembly proclaimed 2015-2024 as the International Decade for People of African Descent citing the need to the full enjoyment of rights such as economic, social and political and their full and equal participation in all aspects of society. In the region, the Central American Black Organization, CABO, through the larger body SICA, is hosting conferences with local groups to promote respect, protection, and fulfillment of all human rights and fundamental freedoms by people of African Descent. Today is the final day of the two-day conference and News Five spoke to CABO representative, Edly Hall.
Hipolito Novelo
“Do you truly believe that groups such as African descents and indigenous people have that fair representation in government, business community?”
Edly Hall, Representative, CABO
“That is the reason that these workshops come up because in the different areas that they could express that there is a need for empowerment in this sense. So when the leaders of these groups speak out and get more information of what is happening worldwide it gives the SICA the possibility to seek somehow, to help during the integrational system. So the groups that are interested in the system in Central American those are who are taking advantage of this process.”
Hipolito Novelo
“How does what is being discussed in that room trickle down to the regular black man and black woman in the streets?”
Edly Hall
“It will depend on the local organizations. So that is part of it and it needs full participation of the people. We can’t sit back and wait for what others will do for us.”